الحريات العامة المتصلة بفكر الانسان ووسائل حمايتها


  • أحمد عبدالسلام عبد الدائم الجامعة العراقية- شعبة العقود الحكومية



الكلمات المفتاحية:

الحريات، فكر الانسان ، الوسائل


تعتبر الحريات العامة المتصلة بفكر الانسان، من أهم الحريات لما لها من قيمة عظيمة وأثر في نفوس البشرية، فهي ترتبط أرتباطاً وثيقاً بفكر الانسان، وتسهم في تكوين تعبيرهُ عن رأيه من دون أي معوقات، ولقد نصت أغلب الدساتير في العالم على كفالة الحريات العامة المتصلة بفكر الانسان وفي مقدمتها حرية العقيدة، وحرية الرأي والتعبير، وحرية الاعلام، وحرية التعليم وغيرها من الحريات الفكرية، إلا أن النص عليها  في الدساتير والمواثيق الدولية يعتبر غير كافي لحمايتها وإن كان يعد إقرارا واعترافا بها، إذ لابد من وجود عدد من الوسائل التي تضمن حماية هذه الحريات من أي أنتهاك قد تتعرض له.


أولاً : الكتب:

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ثانياً: الرسائل والاطاريح الجامعية:

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II. د. نوال طارق إبراهيم، الجرائم الماسة بحرية التعبير عن الفكر، أطروحة دكتوراه، مقدمة إلى مجلس كلية القانون، جامعة بغداد، 2007.

III. سحر محمد نجيب، التنظيم الدستوري لضمان حقوق الانسان وحرياته، أطروحة دكتوراه مقدمة إلى مجلس كلية القانون – جامعة الموصل، 2003.

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V. شيماء محمد إبراهيم، الحماية الدستورية للحريات الشخصية، أطروحة دكتوراه، كلية الحقوق، جامعة المنصورة، 2018.

VI. عسري أحمد طحاوي، دور القضاء الاداري في حماية الحقوق والحريات، رسالة ماجستير، جامعة أحرار الجزائر، الجزائر، 2016.

VII. نهار فائز مالطي، حرية الديانة بين النظرية والتطبيق، رسالة ماجستير في القانون العام، جامعة تلمسان، 2005-2006.

ثالثاً: الأبحاث والمقالات والدوريات:

I. د. صالح عبد عايد صالح، القضاء الاداري ودوره في حماية الحريات المتصلة بفكر الانسان، مجلة جامعة الانبار للعلوم القانونية والسياسية، المجلد(11)، العدد(1)، 2020

II. د. محمد الحلو، الرسالة، مجلة المركز الوطني لحقوق الانسان، عمان، العدد(11)، 2007.عبد اللطيف حمزة، الاسلام ونظرية الحرية، بحث منشور في مجلة السياسة، عدد شهر ( أيلول)، 1984.

III. قرار الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة رقم (59/د/1) في 14/ كانون الاول/1946.

رابعاً: الدساتير والقوانين:


I. دستور جمهورية العراق لسنة 2005 النافذ.


I. إعلان حقوق الانسان والمواطن الفرنسي لعام 1789.

II. ديباجة ميثاق الامم المتحدة لعام 1945.


First: Books:

I. Ahmed Abdulsalam abduldaim, guarantees of minority rights in the Constitution, Dar Shams Al-Andalus, Baghdad, 2021.

II. Jawaher Adel Abdel Rahman, constitutional oversight of legislative omissions, Arab renaissance House, Cairo, 2016.

III. Dr. Noman Ahmed Al-Khatib, political parties and their role in contemporary governance systems, Mutah University-Deanship of scientific research and graduate studies, Jordan, 1994.

IV. Dr. Ahmed Al-Rashidi, human rights, Shorouk International Library, Cairo, 2011.

V. Dr. Ahmed Fathy Sorour, constitutional protection of rights and freedoms, Dar El Shorouk, Cairo, 1999.

VI. Dr. Edmond Riad, mediator in Lebanese constitutional law, Dar Al-Alam for millions, Beirut, 1971

VII. Dr. Ismail Ibrahim Al-Badawi, public freedoms, House of Arab Thought, Cairo, 1983.

VIII. Dr. Akram Badreddine, liberal democracy and its applied models, Al-Jawhara printing, publishing and distribution house, Beirut, 1986

IX. Dr. Thamer Kamel Mohammed, political systems and public policies, Majdalawi publishing and distribution house, Amman, 2004.

X. Dr. Tharwat Badawi, the origins of political thought and the theories of the larger political doctrine, the House of the Arab Renaissance, Cairo, 1964.

XI. Dr. Tharwat Badawi, constitutional law, Arab renaissance House, Cairo, 1969.

XII. Dr. Tharwat Badawi, political systems, Arab renaissance House, Cairo, 1975.

XIII. Dr. Jawaher Adel Abdel Rahman, constitutional control over legislative omissions, Arab renaissance House, Cairo, 2016.

XIV. Dr. Hussein Jamil, human rights and Criminal Law, Department of legal and Sharia Research and studies, Beirut, 1971.

XV. Dr. Khaled Kabbani, a study on the constitutional judiciary, oweidat publications, Beirut, 1988.

XVI. Dr. Khader El-Khader, an introduction to public freedoms and Human Rights, modern writers Foundation, Lebanon, 2005.

XVII. Dr. Khamis Al-Hadidi, human rights between reality and ambition, Iraqi magazine for Human Rights, First Issue, 2000.

XVIII. Dr.The departure of Mohammed gharabia, political rights and freedoms, Dar Al-Manar publishing and distribution, Amman, 2000

XIX. Dr. Riad Aziz Hadi, human rights (its development-its contents-its protection), faculty of Political Science, University of Baghdad.

XX. Dr.Souad El Sharkawy, political systems in the contemporary world, Arab renaissance House, Cairo, 1976

XXI. Dr. Sobhi Mahmassani, pillars of human rights, Dar Al-Alam for millions, Beirut, 1979.

XXII. Dr. Abdul Hakim dhanun Yunus al-Ghazali, criminal protection of individual freedoms-a comparative study, no place of publication, 2005.

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XXIV. Dr. Abdelghani Bassiouni Abdallah, political systems, university House, Alexandria, 1985.

XXV. Dr. Abdel Moneim Mahfouz, the relationship of the individual to power, public freedoms and guarantees of their exercise, without a publishing place, 1970.

XXVI. Dr. Abdul Wahab al-Shishani, human rights and fundamental freedoms in the Islamic system and contemporary systems, without a publishing place, 1980.

XXVII. Dr. Azzawi Abdel Rahman, controls of the distribution of jurisdiction between the legislative and executive authorities-a comparative study, Dar Al-Arab publishing and distribution, Algeria, 2009.

XXVIII. Dr. Ali Abdel Wahed Wafi, human rights in Islam, Arab renaissance House, Cairo, 1979

XXIX. Dr. Ali Alyan Mohammed, human rights and freedoms, House of culture for publishing and distribution, Amman, 2005.

XXX. Dr. Ali Mahmoud al-Dabbas, human rights and freedoms and the role of the legitimacy of police measures in promoting them, House of culture for publishing and distribution, 2001.

XXXI. Dr. Ali Youssef El Shukry, human rights under globalization, etiraq printing and publishing, Cairo, 2006.

XXXII. Dr. Ammar Rahim al-Kanani, the Federal Supreme Court and its role in institution building, library of Comparative Law for publication and distribution, Baghdad, 2018.

XXXIII. Dr. Ammar Abdel Hamid al-Najjar, permissible criticism-a comparative study, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Cairo, without a year of printing.

XXXIV. Dr. Farouk Abdel Bar, the role of the Egyptian state council in protecting public rights and freedoms, without a publishing place, 1991.

XXXV. Dr. Fred Mann, the world revolution and the future of the West, translated by Raphael Gerges, reviewed by Ali Adham.

XXXVI. Dr. Maged Ragheb El Helou, Constitutional Law, University Youth Foundation, Alexandria,1993.

XXXVII. . ------ Political systems and constitutional law, Maarif establishment, Alexandria, 2005.

XXXVIII. . -----Freedom of information and law, knowledge establishment, Alexandria, 2006.

XXXIX. ------. Freedom to form political parties, Arab renaissance House, Cairo, 1992.

XL. ----- The relativity of public freedoms and their implications on legal regulation, Arab renaissance House, Cairo, 1982.

XLI. Dr. Maher Saleh Allawi and others, human rights, children and democracy, out of print, 2009.

XLII. Dr. Mohsen El-Aboudi, general constitutional principles and the development of the Egyptian constitutional systems, Maarif establishment, Alexandria, without a year of printing.

XLIII. Dr. Mohsen Khalil, constitutional law and Egyptian constitutions, new university House, Alexandria, 1996.

XLIV. Dr. Mohamed Bashir, human rights law and sources of its national and international applications, Maarif establishment, Alexandria, 2003.

XLV. Dr. Mohammed Hussein Dakhil, public freedoms under exceptional circumstances, al-Halabi publications, Beirut, 2009.

XLVI. Dr. Mohammed Salim al-Tarawneh, human rights and their guarantees in international law - a comparative study in Jordanian legislation, Jafar publishing center, Amman, 1994.

XLVII. Dr. Mohammed Abed al-Jabri, democracy and Human Rights, Center for Arab unity studies, Beirut, 1994.

XLVIII. Dr. Mohamed Ali Hassouna, the concept of public freedoms between Sharia and law - a comparative study, Arab renaissance House, Cairo, 2019.

XLIX. Dr. Mohamed Mahmoud Nasiri, freedom of opinion, Assembly and party formation, Dar Al-Adel publishing and distribution, Cairo, 2021.

L. Dr. Mahmoud Helmy, general constitutional principles, Arab Thought House, Cairo, 1983.

LI. Dr. Mahmoud Sharif Bassiouni et al., human rights, Dar Al-Alam for millions, Beirut, 1989.

LII. Dr. Mansour Mila Younis, constitutional law and political systems – the general theory of states, without a place of publication, Libya, 2009.

LIII. Dr. Muhannad Noah, public freedoms and Human Rights, Syrian Virtual University, Damascus.

LIV. Dr. Maurice duverget, constitutions and political documents, translated by Georges Saad, University Foundation for studies, Beirut, 1992.

LV. Dr. Nabila Abdel Halim Kamel, judicial control over the constitutionality of laws-constitutional judiciary, Arab renaissance House, Cairo, 2002.

LVI. Dr. Hala Ahmed El Sayed, the role of the Constitutional Court in protecting personal freedoms, Alexandria University, Alexandria, 2004.

LVII. Dr.Hani Suleiman Al-taimat, human rights and fundamental freedoms, Dar Al-Shorouk, Amman, 2003

LVIII. Dr. Order of the blessing of Ibrahim, public freedoms and guarantees of their protection – a comparative philosophical study, Maarif establishment, Alexandria.

LIX. Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr al-Razi, Mukhtar al-Sahah, Lebanon library, Lebanon, 1985.

Second: university theses and theses:

I. Khitam Hammadi Mahmoud, the means of freedom of expression and its guarantees-a comparative study, a master's thesis submitted to the Council of the Faculty of Law - University of Baghdad, 2016.

II. Dr. Nawal Tarek Ibrahim, crimes against freedom of expression of thought, PhD thesis, presented to the Council of the Faculty of Law, University of Baghdad, 2007.

III. Sahar Mohammed Najib, constitutional organization to ensure human rights and freedoms, PhD thesis submitted to the Council of the Faculty of Law – University of Mosul, 2003.

IV. Barzouk youth, constitutional guarantees of human rights, master's thesis, Faculty of Law-University of Oran, Algeria, 2012.

V. Shaima Mohammed Ibrahim, constitutional protection of personal freedoms, PhD thesis, Faculty of law, Mansoura University, 2018.

VI. Asri Ahmed tahawi, the role of the administrative judiciary in the protection of rights and freedoms, master thesis, Ahrar University of Algiers, Algeria, 2016.

VII. Maltese winner's day, freedom of religion between theory and practice, master's thesis in public law, Tlemcen University, 2005-2006.

Third: research, articles and periodicals:

I. Dr. Saleh Abdul Ayed Saleh, administrative judiciary and its role in protecting freedoms related to human thought, Anbar University Journal of legal and Political Sciences, vol. (11), No. (1), 2020

II. Dr. Mohammed al-Hilu, the message, the magazine of the National Center for Human Rights, Amman, issue(11), 2007.Abdul Latif Hamza, Islam and the theory of freedom, research published in the Journal of politics, September issue, 1984.

III. United Nations General Assembly Resolution No. 59/d/1 of December 14, 1946.

Fourth: constitutions and laws:


I. the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq of 2005 in force.


I. declaration of the rights of Man and the French citizen of 1789.

II. Preamble to the Charter of the United Nations of 1945.

خامساً: المصادر الأجنبية:

I. "LÓrganisation delénseignerment public gratuity et laic à tous les

II. degrés est undevoir de l’ Etat" Dec 23-11 ,1997.

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V. 4.Dominique Rousseau. Droit du contentieux constitutionnel. Montchrestion, paris, 4eme, Edit, 1995.

VI. 5.Oliver Duhamel – yves mény Dictionnaire constitutionnel 1ere Edit P.U.F paris,1992.





