البرلمان المعلق في العراق


  • شيماء علي سالم الجامعة التقنية الشمالية - معهد الادارة التقني –نينوى



الكلمات المفتاحية:

البرلمان المُعلق، البرلمان المتوازن، الاغلبية


حينما تسود التعددية الحزبية في نظام سياسي ما فإنَّ البرلمان غير المتوازن يكون حصيلتها . فلا تسفر الانتخابات البرلمانية عن اغلبية واضحة لحزب سياسي واحد ، وهذا بدوره يؤدي إلى خلق ازمة دستورية بعد كل انتخابات بشأن تشكيل الحكومة ، والسبب الرئيس لذلك يتمثل بـــ : قصور النظام الانتخابي من جهة ، والآليات الدستورية لتشكيل الحكومة من جهة ثانية مما يقتضي طرح المعالجات الكفيلة بحل هذه المعضلة .


First: Dictionaries:

I. Dr. Ahmed Mukhtar Omar, Dictionary of the Contemporary Arabic Language, Volume (1), 1st edition, Alam al-Kutub, Cairo, 2008.

II. Louay Maalouf, Al-Munjid fi Language, Literature and Science, Catholic Press, Beirut, 1951.

III. The comprehensive dictionary of meanings, published on the website: www.almaany.com/ar/dict/ar .

Second: Books:

I. Dr. Ihsan Hamid Al-Mafarji and others, The General Theory of Constitutional Law and the Constitutional System in Iraq, 2nd edition, Dar Ibn Al-Atheer, University of Mosul, 2007.

II. Dr. Avin Khalid Abdel Rahman, The Legal Center for Members of Parliament: A Comparative Study, 1st edition, Arab Center for Publishing and Distribution, Cairo, 2017.

III. Dr. Anas Jaafar, Political Systems and Constitutional Law, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabi, 2014.

IV. Dr. George Shafiq Sari, The Electoral System in Light of the Judgment of the Supreme Constitutional Court, 2nd edition, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, 2005.

V. Dr. Hassan Mustafa Al-Behairi, Election as a Means of Assigning Authority in the Democratic System, 2nd edition, 2016.

VI. Dr. Hussein Ali Obaid and Dr. Saleh Tlais, General Constitutional Law, 2nd edition, Dar Al-Manhal Al-Lubani, Beirut, 2017.

VII. Dr. Hamid Al-Saadi, Principles of Constitutional Law and the Development of the Political System in Iraq, Dar Al-Hikma for Printing and Publishing, Mosul, 1990.

VIII. Dr. Hamid Hanoun Khaled, Political Systems, Al-Atak Book Printing, Cairo, undated.

IX. Dr. Hanan Muhammad Al-Qaisi, Al-Wajeez in the Theory of the Constitution, without place of publication.

X. Dr. Khamoush Omar Abdullah, The Constitutional Framework for the People’s Contribution to Amending the Constitution: A Comparative Analytical Study, 1st edition, Al-Halabi Legal Publications, Lebanon, 2013.

XI. Dr. Sajid Muhammad Al-Zamili, Principles of Constitutional Law and the Constitutional System in Iraq, 1st edition, Naipur Printing and Publishing, Iraq, 2014.

XII. Dr. Souad Al-Sharqawi and Dr. Abdullah Nassef, Election Systems in the World and in Egypt, 2nd edition, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Cairo, 1994.

XIII. Shaddad Al-Tamimi, The coalition government under the 2005 Iraqi constitution: a comparative study, 1st edition, Zein Legal and Literary Library, Lebanon, 2017.

XIV. Dr. Abdulaziz Aliwi Al-Issawi, Organizing the Election of the Iraqi House of Representatives after 2003, 3rd edition, Al-Kitab Press, Legal Library, Baghdad, 2020.

XV. Dr. Abdul-Aleem Musharraf, Contemporary Political Systems, Daler, Arab Renaissance, undated.

XVI. Dr. Abdel-Ghani Bassiouni Abdullah, mediator in political systems and constitutional law, Cairo, 2004.

XVII. Dr. Abdul Karim Alwan, Political and Constitutional Systems, 1st edition, Dar Al-Thaqafa for Publishing and Distribution, Amman, 2010.

XVIII. Dr. Adnan Ajel Obaid, In-depth Studies in the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2005, 1st edition, Mansha’at Al-Maaref, Alexandria, 2019.

XIX. Dr. Ali Youssef Al-Shukri, The Mediator in the Philosophy of the Constitution, 1st edition, Zein Legal and Literary Library, Lebanon, 2017.

XX. Dr. Awad Al-Laymoun, Al-Wajeez fi Political Systems and Principles of Constitutional Law, 2nd edition, Wael Publishing House, Amman, 2016.

XXI. Dr. Fouad Al-Attar, Political Systems and Constitutional Law, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabi, 1973.

XXII. Dr. Qaed Muhammad Tarboush, Parliamentary Activity of the Legislative Authority and the Legal Status of the Representative in the Legislative Authority, Part (6), Vol (5), Modern University Office, Alexandria, 2007.

XXIII. Dr. Munther Al-Shawi, Constitutional Law, Part 1 (State Theory), 2nd edition, Legal Research Center, Baghdad, 1981.

XXIV. Dr. Munther Al-Shawi, The General Theory of Constitutional Law, 1st edition, Ward Publishing and Distribution House, Jordan, 2007.

XXV. Mustafa Khamis Al-Sayyid, The Constitution of the Modern Civil State, 1st edition, Al-Wafa Legal Library, Alexandria, 2014.

XXVI. Dr. Noman Al-Khatib, The Mediator in Political Systems and Constitutional Law, 7th edition, Dar Al-Thaqafa for Publishing and Distribution, Amman, 2011.

XXVII. Wael Abdul Latif, The Principles of Parliamentary Work, a Study in Light of the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq of 2005, Baghdad, 2006.

Third: Thesis And Dissertations:

I. Dr. Ibrahim Hamdan Hussein Ali, Head of State in a Democratic System, PhD thesis/Cairo University, 1982.

II. Ayman Taha Sayed Hafez, The Impact of the Electoral System on Proportional Representation, PhD thesis / Beni Suef University, 2021.

III. Souiqat Abdel Razzaq, Reforming the Electoral System to Rationalize Governance in Algeria, Master’s Thesis, Faculty of Law and Political Science/Mentouri University, 2009-2010.

IV. Salah Khalaf Abd, The Federal Supreme Court in Iraq, its formation and jurisdiction: a comparative study, Master’s thesis, Faculty of Law / Al-Nahrain University, 2011.

Fourth: Research:

I. Jaber Dakhil Hamza, The Transforming Voice System and Multiple Circles and Their Role in the Political Scene, Journal of the Center for Kufa Studies/University of Kufa, Part (1), Issue (68), 2023.ء

II. Hussein Jabbar Al-Naili, The interpretive jurisdiction of the Supreme Federal Court in Iraq, Al-Muhaqqiq Al-Hilli Journal of Legal and Political Sciences / University of Babylon, Volume (9), Issue (3), 2017.

III. Dr. Sajid Muhammad Al-Zamili and Dr. Ali Youssef Al-Shukri, the power of the head of state to nominate the prime minister and the position of state constitutions regarding it, Kufa Journal of Legal and Political Sciences/University of Kufa, vol. (1), Issue. (4), 2010.

IV. Ali Hamid Kazem, Caretaker Government, Hiwar Al-Fikr Magazine / Iraqi Institute for Dialogue of Thought, Year (6), Issue (14), 2010.

Fifth: Constitutions:

I. Basic Law of the Federal Republic for the year Germany of 1949.

II. The Jordanian Constitution of 1952.

III. Constitution of the French Republic for the year 1958.

IV. The Spanish Constitution for the year 1978.

V. The Algerian Constitution for the year 1996.

VI. The Bahraini Constitution for the year 2002.

VII. The Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2005.

VIII. The Constitution of the Kingdom of Morocco for the year 2011.

Sixth: Laws, Regulations And Official Newspapers:

- Laws :

I. Coalition Provisional Authority Order No. (96) of 2004.

II. Iraqi Parliament Elections Law No. (16) of 2005.

III. Representatives Elections Law No. (26) of 2009.

IV. Jordanian Representatives Election Law No. (25) of 2012.

V. Iraqi Parliament Elections Law No. (45) of 2013.

VI. Law on the organization and management of government works and the legal status of its members no. (13, 0.65) of 2015.

- Systems:

I. The system for distributing electoral seats for the Representatives elections no. (21) Of 2010.

II. The internal regulations of the Iraqi Council of Representatives for the year 2016.

III. The Internal Regulations of the Iraqi Council of Ministers No. (21) of 2019.

- Official newspapers:

I. Iraqi Gazette, Issue (4140), dated 12/28/2009.

II. Iraqi Gazette, Issue (4300) dated 12/2/2013.

III. Moroccan Official Gazette No. (6342) dated 3/12/2015.

IV. Iraqi Gazette, Issue (4533) on 3/15/2019.

Seventh: Judicial Decisions:

I. Federal Supreme Court Decision No. (15/T/2006 issued on 26/4/2007).

II. Federal Supreme Court Decision No. (25/T/2010), issued on 25/3/2010.

III. Federal Supreme Court Decision No. (12/T/2010) issued on 14/10/2010.

IV. Resolution of the Moroccan Constitutional Council No. (15/955 AD) dated 4/3/2015.

V. Interpretive Decision of the Federal Supreme Court No. (121/T/2022) dated 15/5/2022.

Eighth: Foreign sources:

First: BOOKS

I. Andrew Reynolds and eta, Electoral System Design, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, Stockholm, 2005.

II. Vernon Bogdanor,The Monarchy and the Consittution,Oxford University Press,1997.

Second: Researches:

I. Andrew Blick & Stuart Wilks-Heeg. Governing Without Majorities: Coming to Terms with Balanced Parliaments in UK Politics, Democratic Audit General Election Briefing, No.1, April 2010.

II. Lucinda Maer& Richard Kelly. Hung parliaments, Briefing Paper, House of Commons library, NO (04951), 9.October, 2017.

III. Saemon Hoggart. ‘Tories set sail for early poll’, The Guardian, 22 June, 1974.

Third: Electronic resources:

I. Alan Watkins, hung parliament is a red herring, Independent on Sunday, 14 March, 2010 , posted onthewebsite:https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/ commentators/alan-watkins/alan-watkins-a-hung-parliament-is-a-red- herring-1921039.html.

-in French:

I. Bernard Owen, Le Système Electorat et Son Effet Surlare Presentaire Des Partie: Le cas Européen, Paris, 2002.





