Impact of Terrorism upon National Iraqi Security


  • Sanad Waleed Sa'aeed College Of Political Science - Mustansiriyah University


Impact, Terrorism, National Security, Iraq


The Iraqi society is currently facing a series of challenges and rapid developments in all areas of life. This is what most Arab countries face just like other world countries. The phenomena of terrorism, extremism and intellectual deviation are among these challenges based on giving up the principles of tolerance and moderation in the Islamic community which are the most serious phenomena facing the international community. Since terrorism affects Iraqi national security, it is necessary to devote efforts to research and study in order to develop appropriate solutions to address such problem. Thus, the research is intended to highlight the phenomenon of terrorism and its effects on the Iraqi national security indicating the most important challenges facing Iraqi national security. It is based on how to employ the available resources of the state along with the regional and international efforts to eliminate terrorism and build a unified State capable of achieving security and stability in the country.      The study dealt with the study of terrorism in terms of not only its meaning, but also its impact on the Arab region in general, and on Iraqi society, in particular where it is the world's most affected country, which caused instability in the post-US occupation of Iraq (2003). As it constituted a major turning point in the history of modern Iraq, due to the political, economic, social and cultural changes that led to the events of 2014. In addition to the battles between the brave Iraqi army and the terrorist organizations of ISIS in Mosul and Anbar, the largest cities of Iraq. The efforts of the heroic Iraqi army and the support of the popular mobilization, clans as well as the regional and international efforts have succeeded in defeating these terrorist organizations, achieving victories and liberating the lands from the grip of ISIS in (2017). Iraq also managed to protect its land and its people from division or fragmentation plans that targeted its components by maintaining national unity and achieving security and stability. The study also examined the most important post-urgent challenges facing the Iraqi national security in the present situation whether internally or externally. It is also addressing the ways of confronting them with the available resources of the state and in cooperation with the regional and international efforts in this regard in order to build a unified state capable of achieving security for its people.


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