Integration of Criminal Procedural Rule


  • Amar Abbas Kadhim Al-Husseini College of Law - University of Babylon
  • AbdulRazaq Talal Jassim University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq


Rule integration, criminal rule, procedural


The criminal law consists of the rules of substantive law and the rules of procedural law. The substantive law defines the offenses that are contrary to the law, namely the crimes and the penalties necessary for them. Whereas the procedural law defines the procedures that must be followed from the crime accomplishments up till the issuance of the criminal rule and its execution. The importance of this research lies in the significance of the criminal law itself, because this law aims at protecting the interests of society, whether these interests are public interests relating to the entity of the state and society as a whole or special interests relating to the rights and freedoms of individuals. The problem of the research is represented in the manner designated by the integration of the criminal legal procedure rule. The purpose of the research is represented in demonstrating how the criminal integration for the procedural criminal rule is designated Therefore, this research will be divided into an introduction and two sections. The first section is devoted to demonstrate the integration of criminal procedures through the public prosecution. As this will be done through demonstrating the concept of such public prosecution, separating or combining both authorities, accusation and investigating, then stating the extent of the integration for criminal procedures by means of prosecution.  While the second section will be devoted to the integration of criminal proceedings through external judicial representation through manifesting  the reasons for external judicial representation, the legal basis for such assignment, as well as its subject matter, conditions and procedures. We come to the end of this research by a conclusion of the most important results and proposals.


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