The Concept of Forgery Crime Under United Kingdom Law


  • Qaid H. Dahash University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq


Forgery, Crime, Legislation, English Law, United Kingdom, Criminal Intent and Criminal Act


All world legislations, including the English Law, consider any action that changes the truth contained by a document as a forgery. These legislations incriminated and fought all actions constituting the forgery, though they differed in the methods of treatment and the amount of punishments. The English legislation dealt with forgery in a way that was mostly different to some extent. The English legislator introduced a wide concept of the subject matter of the forgery crime. Furthermore, this legislation combated all acts that may constitute the forgery crime through a special law for each act may contribute to such crime. These criminal acts would be punished if they were intentional and leading to induce a person to do or not to do an act. Whether they created benefits for the interest of perpetrator or caused harm to a victim.  


1. Forgery and Counterfeit Act 1981of United Kingdom
2. Criminal Code of Finland No. 39/1889.
3. The Criminal Code of Poland of 1997.
4. The Egyptian Criminal Code No. 58 of 1937.
5. The German Criminal Code of 1998.
6. The Iraqi Penal Code No. 111 of 1968.
7. The Libyan Penal Code 1953.
8. The Moroccan Penal Code of 1962.
1. David Ormerod, Smith and Hogan: Criminal Law (12th ed, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008).
2. Jacques Parry and Anthony Arlidge (et al), Arlidge and Parry on Fraud (3rd ed, London: Sweet and Maxwell, 2007).
3. Richard Card, Card, Cross and Jones: Criminal Law (20th Ed, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012).
4. The Law Commission, “Criminal Law: Report on Forgery and Counterfeit Currency”, (Law Com. No. 55), (1972-73 (320), available at: (22/07/2013).





