The legal value for the Arab league’s Resolutions


  • Ahmed Tareq Yassin Almaola College of Political Science - University of Mosul


Legal Value, Resolution, Arab League


International law has witnessed many developments and alterations since the end of Second World War. As great deal of multi purposes International Organizations appeared.  Most important of them was the Arab League as an international and a regional organization. It established to support relationships among Arab Countries by means of issuing many resolutions. As these resolutions will not be limited to internal organization but be contributed also to set basis for international law. Thus, it is necessary to explain the legal value for these resolutions in order for the organization to be able to realize their goals. As such, the states cannot deny the resolutions that may causes worst crisis among them. The state has the right to take the action of reservation on any resolution that is against their domestic interests. Adopting the basis of consensus in decision-making shall be compensated with the condition of majority opinion for issuing the Council Resolutions. These resolutions shall be binding in order to realize independency and avoid conflicts through implementation.


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المواثيق والقرارات

(1) ميثاق منظمة جامعة الدول العربية المادة (6) الفقرة (2).

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الانترنت :

- د. احسان هندي، القرارات الدولية في ميزان القانون الدولي، مقال منشور على شبكة الانترنت على الرابط


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Charters and resolutions

(1) the Charter of the organization of Arab states, Article (6), paragraph (2).

(2) the Charter of the organization of the league of Arab states, Article (7).

(3) Resolution No. 5365 issued on 27/3/1994 resolutions of the Council of the league of Arab states at its Ordinary Session No. 101, Cairo, 1994.

Internet :

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