Iraq and the Regional Environment A Study in Turkish - Iraqi Relations


  • Hussain Hafedh Wahaib Center for Strategic and International Studies- Baghdad University


Regional Environment, Turkish-Iraqi Relations


Iraq's relationship with Turkey out of the historical context has a different equation. By means of which, it is  manifested that Iraq is the least influential country in determining the affairs of Turkey, but the latter , on the other hand, has an intensive impact on the affairs of Iraq. This is owing back in some of its causes to the large number of radical changes taking place in Iraq which are weakening the political, social and economic infrastructures compared to the stability of Turkey. This has been reflected on the growing abilities of the influence of some of the governments that have followed in terms of the country administration. Also,  if we exclude  the period from 1979 until now we will find that the link between the US and Western Europe and Turkey had the greatest impact on such influence, especially in the Republican stages after the fall of the monarchy in Iraq. Today, it seems that the political equation has changed because Iraqi relationship with the United States of America and other Western European countries has changed. On this basis, this change can be invested to make Iraq more influential in determining the orientations of American and European policy as well. Which may correct the imbalance In the equation of relations, and achieve some of the interests that were overlooked in the previous stages. Especially those that were as severe constraints on Iraqi politics in light of the frequency of wars waged  in multiple fronts and their subsequent such as sanction and the international isolation empowering the regional countries to cause interests' damages. The new variable that can be invested to improve the Iraqi environment and to increase its effectiveness on the political, economic and security levels. This change has to be invested  to rectify Iraqi environment's policies that can be expected to happen in the coming stages, especially when the Iraq's security, political, social and economic situations be stabilized.


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