"The Role of Social Shifts on the Marital Treachery" As a Field, a Social and a Legal Study in Baghdad City


  • Zainab Abdullah Muhammed University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq


Social Shifts, Marital Treachery


Marital treachery is an immoral behavior and unaccepted social behavior. An attitude has to be held accountable for legitimately and legally. Treachery is an old phenomenon as well as a new one, but it has been increasingly accelerated nowadays  due to the complicated modern life. It is one of the most difficult phenomena researchers faced in terms of  study,  because of its being compromising the women's identity and that their causes cannot be revealed or disclosed. Thus, our community rejects this behavior particularly if it is committed by a woman. The objectives of our study are centered in the following: - What are the reasons that drive some women to betray their husbands? - What is  the role of social, economic and cultural transformations in terms of such betrayal out of  the opinions for those who are working in personal status courts (lawyers , social workers)? - What is the attitude of the Personal Status Law and the Iraqi Penal Law against women's treachery? In order to achieve the objectives of this research, a questionnaire is being prepared and applied to the  lawyers and social workers. The study found out the following results:
  1. Lacking of religious values ​​in the increasing phenomenon of treachery.
    2. The role of cultural shifts in the treachery prevalence.
    3. Poverty and want are of the reasons why some women betray their husbands.


- القرآن الكريم
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