Legal system Of a stock Company purchasing its own Shares - A comparative study


  • Murtada Hussain Ibrahim College of Law - Mustansiriya University


The legal system, Stock Company


This study included an important issue not addressed in the current Iraqi legislator in the Companies Act and the former, which represents the subject matter (the legal system for the purchase of the company's contribution of its shares) comparative study. The who we are through the task of Notes believe it poses a lack of legislation in force the Companies Act No. 21 of 1997 and put the necessary proposals that we believe the introduction of the urgent need to address the legislative deficiencies which have been touched upon through three sections was the first of which looks at the concept of the process of buying the company's contribution of its shares and its causes . While the second section has been dedicated to the study of the process of buying the company's shares between the ban and permitted. We looked at the scope of the principle of the ban, and Pena exceptions to the principle of the ban. The inductor third and last we studied the most important effects of the process of buying the company for their shares in the event of a reduction in the company's capital and the failure of the company to reduce its capital. The conclusion of this study we finished our show in the results and proposals. Walt pointed it began.


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