The economic impact of financial and administrative corruption in Iraq and ways to combat it


  • Mohammed Hameed Ali General Directorate for Diyala Education - Iraq


Corruption, financial, administrative corruption, the constitution


Corruption in the world is a well-known and widespread phenomenon, but the frequency of corruption is high in Iraq for several reasons, especially financial and administrative corruption. the aim of the research is to shed light on the role of this phenomenon in limiting the economy of Iraq after the year 2003. There are several reasons that cannot be limited to cases of financial and administrative corruption in Iraq. Broadly, however, we will seek to shed light on the role of this phenomenon, by introducing the concept, types and characteristics of corruption. The research dealt with an overview of the history of corruption in Iraq, and its social, political and economic effects. The research also dealt with the manifestations of corruption in legal terms, and ways to combat it by enacting constitutional legislation on corruption, depending on the success of the enactment of these legislation in these constitutions in some international countries And what has had a great role in reducing the phenomenon of corruption in all its forms and manifestations, the most important of which is financial. The research concluded with a set of results and recommendations.


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