The Transition from Totalitarianism to democracy: The Obstacles and Future Prospects - Case Study of Indonesian


  • Talal hamed Khalil University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq


The question of the transition from the authoritarian political system to democratic regimes is one of the topics that is considered by many writers and thinkers , past and present , and in today's world where there is no place for totalitarian regimes the question of democracy as a rule system and lifestyle remains avariable that attracts various and different visions. The call to democracy takes two sides, the first : the popular desire to remove the totalitarian regimes and build the institutions of a democratic society , which considered an internal variable, and the second : to impose democracy from the outside on totalitarian regimes and seek to change it in any way even the use of force based on the rationale and  international justifications, including the defense of human rights, the fight against international terrorism , maintain international peace and security and political development , though these reasons , some real and some fabricated for the purposes and intentions of undeclared policies. However, the slogan of democracy has become one of the most glamorous slogans. This research provides theoretical and applied vision to one of the experiences of the transition from totalitarianism to democracy, which is Indonesian experience through two sections, the first section has discussed the emergence of the state and its development historically , as we explained some facts related to geography and political ideology and the nature of the Indonesian regime as defined by the amended Constitution of 1945, and the period of independence and the power struggle, the military and the Communist Party, as well as the presidential phase of Suharto and the continued interference of the military in political life. In the second section, and through the three demands of which the sections involved, we discuss the transition from totalitarianism to democracy, and the paths of transformation and the role of democracy in building the national economy, as well as challenges facing Indonesia and the prospects for its democratic future, and finally, point out to the most important conclusions that came out of the search.


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الصحف :
1- كاميل عقاد ، الاقتصاد الاندونيسي وتخطي التوقعات ، صحيفة البيان العدد 15632في 13 شباط 2012.
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3 - محمد داودية ، الجهود الاندونيسية للتحول الديمقراطي ، جريدة الرأي العدد 15370 في 24/11/2012.




