The crime of financing fomenting sectarian discord According to the Anti-terrorism Law No. (13) of 2005


  • Mohammed Musa Jaber Ministry of Education - General Directorate of Administrative Affairs


Financing, sectarian strife


The danger of provoking sectarian strife lies in destroying the essence of the agreement on the basis of a peaceful meeting between members of the people, whether with regard to their relations as individuals and communities (components) or its impact on the political consensus documented in the constitution that governs the pillar of legal authority in the state. The images contained in the text of Article (2/4) of the Anti-Terrorism Law No. (13) of 2005, including terrorist acts and ordinary and dishonorable crimes which punishes in Articles (4-6) of the lawFinancing is done by every act committed by any person who, by any means, directly or indirectly, willingly provides or collects funds, or attempts to do so from a legitimate or illegitimate source with the intention of using them with the knowledge that these funds will be used wholly or partially in the implementation of an act that would incite sectarian strife, whether Sedition occurred or not, regardless of the country in which this funding is located.a


أولا: الكتب العامة:


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ثانيا: الكتب القانونية:

Legal Books:

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ثالثا: الدوريات:


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رابعا: التشريعات:


أ) الدساتير

I. دستور جمهورية العراق لسنة 2005.

ب) القوانين:

I. قانون مكافحة الإرهاب العراقي رقم (13) لسنة 2005.

II. قانون غسل الأموال وتمويل الإرهاب العراقي رقم (39) لسنة 2015.

III. قانون مكافحة الإرهاب في إقليم كوردستان– العراق رقم (3) لسنة 2006.

IV. نظام مكافحة الإرهاب وتمويله السعودي لسنة2014.

V. قانون منع الإرهاب الأردني رقم 55 لسنة 2006.

VI. قانون مكافحة الإرهاب المصري رقم (94) لسنة 2015

VII. قانون العقوبات العراقي رقم 111 لسنة 1969 المعدل.

VIII. قانون العقوبات الألماني لسنة 1998المعدل.

IX. قانون العقوبات الليبي رقم 56 لسنة 1970 المعدل.

X. القانون الجنائي السوداني لسنة 1991.

XI. قانون العقوبات الأردني رقم (16) لسنة 1960.

XII. قانون العقوبات اللبناني رقم 340 لسنة 1943 المعدل.

XIII. قانون الخدمة المدنية رقم (٢٤) لسنة ١٩٦٠.

XIV. قانون انتخابات مجلس النواب رقم (45) لسنة 2013 المعدل.

XV. قانون المحافظات غير المنتظمة في إقليم رقم 21 لسنة 2008 المعدل

XVI. قانون مجلس الخدمة العامة الاتحادي رقم (٤) لسنة ٢٠٠٩ المعدل

خامسا: المواقع الالكترونية:

Electronic Sites:



First: general books:


I. Ibrahim Mustafa et al., intermediate lexicon, previous source, C1, Islamic library, Istanbul, Turkey, without mentioning the year of printing.

II. Dr. Ahmed Mukhtar Abdul Hamid Omar, lexicographer of the contemporary Arabic language, C3, the world of books،

III. Mohammed bin Makram bin Manzoor, the tongue of the Arabs, G4, Sadr House, Beirut, no Year of publication.

Second: legal books:

Legal Books:

I. Dr. Ahmed Awad Bilal, criminal iniquity, a comparative study, Arab renaissance House, Cairo,1988.

II. Dr. Jaber Gad Abdul Rahman, private international law, i1, Iraqi publishing and Printing Company Limited, Baghdad, 1949.

III. Dr. Samir alia, the brief explanation of crimes against state security, university Institution for studies, publishing and distribution, Beirut, Lebanon, 1999.

IV. Dr. Abdel Hamid El-Shawarby, crimes of journalism and publishing, Maarif establishment, Alexandria, 1996.

V. Dr. Ali Hussein Al-Khalaf and Dr. Sultan Abdulkader Al-Shawy, general principles in the Penal Code, i2, alatek for the book industry, Cairo, 2010.

VI. Dr. Mamoun Mohamed Salameh, Penal Code, General Department, Arab renaissance House, Cairo, 1990.

VII. Dr. Mohammed Odeh Al-Jabbour, crimes against state security and crimes of terrorism, House of culture, Amman, 2010.

VIII. Dr. Mahmoud Naguib Hosny, the general theory of criminal intent, Vol.3, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Cairo, 1988.

IX. Muwaffaq Ali Al-Abdali, selected by the judge of the Baghdad Rusafa Federal Court of Appeal in its discriminatory capacity, House of Cultural Affairs, Baghdad, 2010.

Third: periodicals:


I. Judiciary, a human rights magazine published by the Bar Association of the Republic of Iraq, P1, Al-Ani press, Baghdad, 1959.

Fourth: legislation:


A) constitutions

I. The Constitution of the Republic of Iraq of 2005.

B) laws:

I. Iraqi Anti-Terrorism Law No. 13 of 2005.

II. Iraqi money laundering and Terrorist Financing Law No. 39 of 2015.

III. Anti-terrorism law in the Kurdistan Region– Iraq No. 3 of 2006.

IV. The Saudi anti-terrorism and financing system for the year 2014.

V. Jordanian Terrorism Prevention Law No. 55 of 2006.

VI. Egyptian Anti-Terrorism Law No. 94 of 2015

VII. Iraqi Penal Code No. 111 of 1969 as amended.

VIII. German penal code of 1998, as amended.

IX. Libyan Penal Code No. 56 of 1970 as amended.

X. The Sudanese criminal code of 1991.

XI. Jordanian Penal Code No. 16 of 1960.

XII. Lebanese Penal Code No. 340 of 1943 as amended.

XIII. Civil service law no. (٢٤) for the year ١٩٦٠.

XIV. House of Representatives elections Law No. 45 of 2013 as amended.

XV. The law of the irregular governorates in the region No. 21 of 2008 as amended

XVI. Federal Public Service Council Law No. (٤) for the year المعدل amended

Fifth: websites:

Electronic Sites:





