Criminal protection for juvenile delinquents from homelessness and social delinquency- Comparative study


  • Ahmed Hussein Salman University of Diyala - College of Islamic Sciences


Criminal protection, juveniles, homelessness


There is no doubt that the problem of juvenile delinquency and how to confront it is one of the most important problems that worry the whole world. Juveniles are the mainstay of the future, the nucleus of society, and the basis for the progress of civilizations and nations. The more national legislation in any country adopts the philosophy of reform and rehabilitation when codifying its provisions for juveniles, the more the legislation becomes in line with the new trends in the field of punitive policy. This requires scrutiny to scrutinize the meaning of the event and the differences in penal responsibility and the extent of the influence of social, psychological and environmental factors and conditions that control the actions of juveniles and that may prompt the juvenile to commit crimes or break the law. It is possible that there is unintentional negligence in the penal institution so that these institutions do not have trained and specialized staff who realizes the importance of following up on juvenile delinquents and the places designated for them to spend the penalty period prescribed for each juvenile.


القرآن الكريم:

Holy Qur’an

أولاً : الكتب:

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رابعاً: القوانين والتشريعات:

Fourth: Laws and Legislations:

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The Holy Quran:

Holy Qur’an

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Third: electronic sources:

Electronic Sources:

I. Generation Scientific Research Center.

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Fourth: laws and legislation:

Fourth: Laws and Legislations:

I. The Iraqi Penal Code in force No. 111 of 1969 as amended.

II. Egyptian Juvenile Law No. 13 of 1974.

III. The Iraqi Juvenile Welfare Law in force No. 76 of 1983 as amended.

IV. Jordanian Juvenile Law No. 7 of 1983.

V. Egyptian children's Law No. 12 of 1996.




