The crime of airplanes kidnapping in international law


  • Abdulaziz Shaabn Khalid University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq


The airplanes which carry people face kidnapping actions done by a person or group of people and changing their directions. The motive of the kidnapping may be political or sometimes personal. In either way the kidnapping is described as a criminal act which is contrary to the international legality and this is the legal basis of the crime and the kidnapper will be criminally responsible. The kidnapping act is fulfilled when the kidnapper is on the airplane and when he changes the direction of it. Since the airplane kidnapping is an act which must be punished on, the kidnapper must be arrested and judged according to the article (2) from the convention of Lahay for the year 1970. The contracting state must make a vow to make the crime be punished on, and if the state on which the airplane has land doesn’t want to judge the kidnapper, it must surrender him to the state which wants to judge him according to the rules of criminals surrendering.


أولاً : الكتب والمؤلفات الفقهية:
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7. د.محمد المجذوب_خطف الطائرات في الممارسة والقانون_القاهرة_معهد البحوث والدراسات العربية_مطبعة الجبلاوي_1974.
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9. هيثم احمد حسن البكر الناصري_خطف الطائرات_الطبعة الاولى_بيروت_المؤسسة العربية للدراسات والنشر_1979.
ثانياً : التشريعــــات:
1. قانون العقوبات رقم 111 لسنة 1969.
2. قانون اختطاف الطائرات الانجليزي لسنة 1971.
3. قانون الطيران المدني رقم 148لسنة 1974.
4. قانون العقوبات المصري رقم 28 لسنة 1981.
5. القانون الجنائي السوداني لسنة 1991.
ثالثــاً : الاتفاقيات والمواثيـــق الدولــية:
1. تفاقية طوكيو 1963. اتفاقية لاهاي 1970. اتفاقية مونتريال19




