Legal guarantees to preserve public health In light of the Corona pandemic


  • Wadee Dakheel Ibrahim Al Anbar University - College of Law and Political Science


Public health, guarantees, corona, law, authority


Public health in the country is one of the most basic and indispensable matters. The various political systems pay great attention to it because the health system in the state is affected by the crises and epidemics that ravage the country. This requires the state be prepared to face these cases by providing all the guarantees that contribute in preserving public health, whether it is financial or legal guarantees. Legal guarantees are the basis on which to rely even in the provision of financial guarantees to maintain public health so that the world and Iraq in particular are exposed to the Corona pandemic. The state must prepare appropriately to confront this pandemic and eliminate it. Or reducing them to preserve the health of citizens and remedy the effects they cause. Therefore the legal guarantees that show the necessary methods to maintain public health in Iraq in light of the Corona pandemic must be studied.


اولا: الكتب:
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XIV. قاموس المعاني كلمة (صحة) وكلمة (عام) على الموقع
ثانياً: الدساتير:
I. دستور العراق لسنة 2005 م النافذ.
ثالثاً: القوانين:
I. قانون العقوبات العراقي رقم 111 لسنة 1969م.
II. قانون الصحة العامة رقم 89 لسنة 1981م.
III. قانون وزارة الصحة رقم 10 لسنة 1983م.
IV. قانون حماية الاطباء رقم 26 لسنة 2013م.

