Effectiveness of Media In Political Education for Voters


  • Mohammed Khalifa Siddiq Faculty of Economics and Political Science - International University of Africa Khartoum, Sudan


The Media,, Political Education,, Voters


The role of Media in all areas, especially the modern media, is widely well known. As it plays a large role in enhancing the social and political awareness of the public at various levels. In addition to its tangible role in voters’ education and their awareness for the procedures of the electoral process. This research discusses the concept of effectiveness, which means the continuous and interactive process aimed at directing individual and collective efforts towards achieving common goals by using the resources available with the highest degree of effectiveness. It also discusses definitions of political education, elections and voters.  The study then discusses the effectiveness of the traditional and new media in achieving various goals at all levels. Especially the political and social level, as well as clarifying and defining the role and mission of the media in its different means in the process of political education of citizens, and in the electoral process as well through all its stages up till the declaration of results. As a peaceful, fair, free and acceptable process locally and internationally.


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مواقع إنترنت:
(1) سعود العامري، التثقيف السياسي، مادة منشورة على مدونة عمانة، بتاريخ: 9 فبراير 2010م، على الرابط : http://omanh.blogspot.com.
(2) رباح الصادق المهدي، الإعلام والأحزاب والانتخابات في ظل النظام الهجين، بحث منشور بموقع حزب الأمة القومي: www.umma.org.
(3) توعية الناخبين، مادة منشورة على موقع شبكة المعرفة الانتخابية (أيس)،على الرابط:
(4) مراقبة الانتخابات، في : دليل التدريب على رصد حقوق الإنسان، مكتبة حقوق الانسان بجامعة منيسوتا، موجود على الرابط:

