National Elections and the Role of International Censorship in Iraq


  • Jinan Sadiq AbdulRazaq Al Mustansiriya Center for Arabic and International Studies
  • Samira Hassan Atya Al Mustansiriya Center for Arabic and International Studies


National Elections,, International Censorship,, Iraq


In light of difficult and complex conditions experienced by the liberated areas which suffered from the grip of the ISIS. As these areas were being busy in rearranging their posts and daily affairs initiating causes and justifications to make them aware of participating in the elections. Therefore, the research objectives are concentrated in the following: The definition of elections and their national role in Iraq, knowing the concept of international censorship  of national elections, locating the establishment of such censorship on national elections, clarifying the role of UN censorship on national elections, and highlighting the mechanism of UN censorship of these elections. The most important conclusions conducted by this research are the following: 1- The voter should enjoy political rights and freedoms to express and participate in elections.
  1. The international censorship of elections should contribute significantly and clearly to preserving the freedom and integrity of the elections, while at the same time assisting in the international recognition of electoral processes and thus the systems of governance emanating from those elections.
  2. Despite the role played by international censorship of the electoral process in most countries of the world, most international texts have ignored this aspect.
  3. International censorship on electoral processes may be global oversight, represented by the role played by United Nations missions through their control over the electoral processes. Regional control may be represented by some regional organizations, such as the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), as well as some other non-governmental organizations.
5- The existence of censorship of any kind, in no way interferes with the internal affairs of States. Thus, it does not affect the internal or external sovereignty of the State.  The research came out with a number of recommendations:
  1. We propose the formation of a permanent international organization to monitor the elections in various countries of the world. This committee shall be affiliated to the United Nations, composed of a group of States and a number of members of international organizations concerned in this regard.
  2. States should not question the role of international censorship, as well as missions sent by such international organizations.
  3. States shall assist personnel of international observer missions and provide appropriate conditions for the operation of such missions.
  4. International observers shall comply with all instructions and instructions issued to them by their auditors.


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