Rule of Participation in Establishing Governments in Light of Islamic Law


  • Ahmed Ali Bresam University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq
  • Balasim Adnan Abdullah University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq
  • Baker Abbas Ali University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq


Rule of Participation,, Establishing Governments,, Islamic Law


Praise to be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace is upon the Messenger of Allah and his companions. Since Islam was ruled almost half the globe and people remained in the hands of the Islamic state for years and years without any dispute or conflict and coexistence of people in the folds of Islamic law.  Despite the difference of their religions and nationalities, people become talking about the possibility of governing Islam for people and the participation of peacemakers in the formation of governments. The issue of the political system is one of the public interests entrusted to the Islamic nation. As it is which choose the ruler and his allegiance through monitoring him to be hold the accountability as well as isolated him if deserved to be isolated. Islam seeks to establish the rules of governance based on the right of the nation to choose, and to achieve justice and combat the tyranny of despotism and authoritarian regimes based on oppression and violence and the rape of the rights of the masses. After the introduction, the research was divided into two chapters. The first topic dealt with the nature of the political parties and the effects of its formation. There are two sections: First, defining the political parties as a language and a term. In the second one, we discussed the legitimacy of participation in the ruling and its evidence, which has two sections two: the first dealt with the rule of participation in the formation of governments and the second: the legitimate evidence of participation for the pros and cons.


القرآن الكريم
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8- لسان العرب: محمد بن مكرم بن على، أبو الفضل، جمال الدين ابن منظور الأنصاري الرويفعى الإفريقى (المتوفى: 711هـ) دار صادر – بيروت - 1414 هـ.
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15- سليمان الطحاوي، السلطات الثلاث .
16- كريم كشاكش، الحريات العامة.
17- مالك بن نبي، بين الرشاد والنية.

