Crime Theory


  • Abdul Hussein Mahmood Tareekh Al Rafidain University College


Crime Theory


Research in crime theory requires dealing with the concept of crime through the opinions that have been formulated by a large number of scientists and in various scientific and human disciplines. This has sparked a great debate on the topic as it is not easy to put a clear scientific framework for the topic unless all philosophical and intellectual opinions are addressed. These Opinions have grown and developed through progress in the field of social, psychological and biological sciences that dealt with the human personality and the influences that affect it. With the progress made by mankind, many of the measures put in place by societies to protect themselves from the evils of crime and crime that began to take advanced forms unfamiliar in the past. This study is a contribution in the field of research in crime and its theories. It consists of an introduction, two studies and a conclusion.


- القرآن الكريم.
- الاحاديث النبوية: رواها ( ابو داود – مسلم – الترمذي- الحاكم)
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