The problem of implementing transitional justice in Iraq's political experience after 2003 - An analytical study


  • Ahmed Yahya Hadi Imam Al-Kadhim College - Department of Political Science
  • Asst. prof. Dr. Oday Falih Hussein Imam Al-Kadhim College - Department of Political Science


Transitional Justice, Reparations, Institutional Reform, Truth Commissions


Iraq has applied transitional justice to the transition from a dictatorial regime and its consequences to a democratic system, but what distinguishes the Iraqi case from other experiences of transitional justice is that it has codified some elements of this justice constitutionally, and this may differ from other experiences that are characterized by being temporary and ending with the end of the desired task. Iraq also succeeded in applying one element of transitional justice and over-applied it, but it did not complete the application of the other elements. Despite all that, the reparation that Iraq followed in dealing with the past’s pain for the victim made the latter move away a lot by thinking of revenge against the perpetrator.


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