Structuring National Identity in post-2003 Iraq


  • Sami Ahmad Saleh Al-Iraqia University -College of Law and Political Science


Identity, Ethnicity, Conciliation


Today, Iraq is witnessing a sharp ethnic division, which has opened the door for regional and international interventions in its internal affairs. One of the repercussions of this division is the tyranny of national or sectarian loyalty over loyalty to the homeland, and thus the tyranny of subsidiary social identities over national identity. This research seeks to identify the most important reasons that prevented and still hinder the building of a comprehensive and solid Iraqi national identity. It also seeks to identify the ways for reaching a state of harmony and cooperation among Iraqis of all ethnic and sectarian backgrounds. Finally, the research attempts to identify the ways that lead to making the ethnic diversity in the Iraqi society a factor of strength and stability rather than a factor of weakness and deterioration.


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