The identity of cultural citizenship in light of the digital environment


  • Jaffar Hassan Jassem Al-Taie Presidency of the University of Diyala - Director of the Department of Internal


identity, citizenship, culture, Iraq, Arabs


The research aims to: revealing the relationship between the Iraqi and Arab cultural citizenship identity and the digital environment, drawing the attention of those responsible for how the digital environment affects the Iraqi and Arab cultural identity, Directing the attention of the Iraqi and Arab officials to the factors affecting the identity of Iraqi and Arab citizenship. As for the approach used, by perusing the literature on the subject, it was found that the descriptive approach means describing the phenomenon of citizenship identity in the reality of societies. The most important conclusions: 1.     The loss and loss of the identity of the Iraqi and Arab cultural citizenship, or the beginning of the fading of the features of this identity, because the Iraqi and Arab citizen did not find in this media what he represents, because of his abandonment to the other media, and the other is the hell, according to Sartre. 2.    The Iraqi and Arab media are still unable Confronting the Western media for the tools it possesses.


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المواقع الالكترونية:
I. العصر الرقمي، متاح في: .2007،
II. ناصر محمد عبيد الساعدي، هناء علي محمد الضحوي. المواطنة الرقمية. متاح في: تاريخ الزيارة 20/4/.2022

