Civil Society Organizations and their Role in the Struggle against Extremism in Iraq


  • Hazim Sabah Ahmed College of Political Science - Tikrit University - Iraq
  • Emad Wagga Ajeel College of Political Science - Tikrit University - Iraq


Role, Organizations, Challenges, Extremism


In fact, civil society organizations have a significant role in  the struggle against  extremism, terrorism and violence, and the importance of civil society organizations as being an intermediary between  individual, society, citizen and  state, it is based on citizenship, democracy and coexistence, which in turn enhances and entrenches the values​​ of citizenship, democracy and coexistence, thus, their role in confronting  terrorism, with their multiplicity, variety and widespread in society, it was therefore crucial to involve civil society organizations in developing and planning strategies, programs and plans to confront terrorism in the intellectual, cultural, artistic and social fields to confirm the partnership relationship between the government and civil society organizations, from planning to implementation to evaluation, which requires a new format of public administration that implies the process of developing public policies for the state, and in drafting legislation, decision-making, implementation of development strategies and confronting terrorism, furthermore, to monitoring and diagnosing early warning indicators in society, the expansion of civil society institutions throughout the country and their daily contact with citizens and events, and their ability to monitor changes adequately which give warning indicators for the growth of extremist ideas, and spread a culture of tolerance and informed through their various activities, which contribute to fortification citizens against extremism and response for attempts to recruit them to terrorist organizations, in addition, to encourage programs and activities to promote a culture of dialogue and respect for differing views, refute  practices of exclusion and marginalization against any racial or social group, promote the culture of developing a sense of patriotism and national unity of the citizen, working as a partner of state institutions to advance the standard of living of marginalized groups and slum dwellers and help them to find residence and regular work as well as social reintegration into society and enable them to identify the high humanitarian values ​​through cinematic and theatrical performances in their residence, besides in youth centers and clubs in order to connect to human culture and positive values ​​through these artistic performances, cultural and social symposiums, but this is not to deny the responsibility of state institutions in the first place for providing economic, social and cultural rights to citizens.


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