The Missing Legal Center and their Relatives Rights in the Iraqi Legislations



The missing, compensation, the missing relatives


The research highlights the attempts of Iraqi legislators to ensure the rights of the missing as to recover the family ties via identifying and organizing their legal center. The legislator limited the period of the missing that they can be counted dead and martyrs as their relatives can inherit them. In addition, the legislator managed to compensate their relatives as they suffered both moral and material damage for they missed one of the family members. The legislator, too, worked on guarantee the compensation as to treat the damage that the relatives suffered in addition to the continuous search for the missing weather at the local or international aspect.



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I. Republic of Iraq - Iraqi Council of Representatives, the official page of the Council

II. Iraqi Red Crescent Society

III. International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC),

IV. The International Committee for Missing Persons (ICMP).

V. Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights - United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq, Mass Graves in Areas Formerly Controlled by ISIS,

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