The Principle of Impartiality of the Administrative Judge and its Effect on the Protection of the Rights and Freedoms


  • Asra Mohammed Kazim University of Diyala – College Of Law And Political Science



judge impartiality, Administrative Judge, rights and freedoms


         In order to carry out the administrative judiciary by its duty effectively and to guarantee the rights and freedoms of individuals, and to work on and providing more guarantee for the right to debt demanding ,it must be impartial and independent to face the authorities of another state, the judge must be impartial and impartial when considering cases and the judge does not differentiate between opponents, as each point of impartiality and independence is a great importance in maintaining the judicial system who is able to restore rights to their owners, the judge may carry out his judicial duties independently on the basis of his appreciation of the facts and in accordance with the provisions of the law without any internal influences or temptations or threats, he mustn’t be biased to the opponent against the another opponent and to stand at the same distance from the parties to the lawsuit to ensure that the balance of justice equally.


اولاً: الكتب:

First: books:

I. د. احمد فتحي سرور, الشرعية الدستورية وحقوق الانسان في الاجراءات الجنائية, دار النهضة العربية, القاهرة, 1993.

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ثانياً: الرسائل والإطاريح:

Second: theses and dissertations:

I. عبد الاله محمد سالم النوايسة , ضمانات المتهم في مرحلة التحقيق الابتدائي، دراسة مقارنة, اطروحة دكتوراه, كلية الحقوق, جامعة عين الشمس،2000.

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ثالثاً: البحوث والمجلات:

Third: Researches and Journals:

I. د احمد خورشيد حميدي, فواز خلف ظاهر, ضمانات استقلال القضاء الاداري في العراق دراسة مقارنة, بحث مستل, مجلة جامعة تكريت للحقوق السنة (8) المجلد (4) العدد (29) اذار 2016.

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III. د. احمد فتحي سرور, استقلال القضاء حق من حقوق الانسان في القانون المصري, مجلة القانون والاقتصاد, تصدرها كلية الحقوق, جامعة القاهرة, السنة الخمسون, 1980.

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رابعاً: الدساتير والقوانين:

Fourth: Constitutions and Laws:

I. الدستور الفرنسي لعام 1958.

II. دستور جمهورية العراق لعام 2005.

III. دستور جمهورية مصر العربية لعام 2014.

IV. قانون المرافعات المدنية والتجارية المصري رقم (13) لسنة 1968 المعدل.

V. قانون الاثبات المصري رقم (25) لسنة 1968 المعدل.

VI. قانون المرافعات المدنية العراقي رقم (83) لسنة 1969 المعدل

VII. قانون اصول المحاكمات الجزائية رقم 23 لسنة 1971 المعدل

VIII. قانون المرافعات المدنية الفرنسي رقم (1123) لسنة 1975

IX. قانون مجلس شورى الدولة رقم (65) لسنة 1979

X. قانون مجلس الدولة رقم (71) لسنة 2017

خامساً: القرارات القضائية:

Fifth: Judicial Decisions:

I. حكم المحكمة الدستورية العليا في مصر, القضية رقم (34) في 15/ حزيران/ 1996

II. حكم المحكمة الدستورية العليا في مصر, رقم الدعوى (38) بتاريخ 16/ تشرين الثاني/ 1996

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IV. حكم المحكمة الدستورية العليا المصرية/ القضية رقم ( 148) في 6/ تموز / 2008.

V. قرار محكمة التميز الاتحادية بالدعوى المرقمة (851/ مدني/ 2013) في 24/ حزيران /2013.

سادساً: المواقع الالكترونية:

Sixth: Websites Resources:

I. موقع جامعة منيسوتا, مكتبة حقوق الانسان:

II. الشبكة الاوربية المتوسطية لحقوق الانسان, المغرب

III. الموقع الرسمي لمجلس القضاء الاعلى:


Holly Quran

First: books:

I. Dr. Ahmed Fathi Sorour, Constitutional Legitimacy and Human Rights in Criminal Procedures, Dar Al Nahda Al Arabiya, Cairo, 1993.

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III. Dr. Hussein Othman Muhammad Othman, Administrative Judicial Law, Al-Halabi Legal Publications, Beirut, 2006.

IV. Dr. Khalaf Allah or Al-Fadl Abdul Raouf, The Principle of Equality Before the Judiciary between Islamic Sharia and Positive Law, Dar Al-Fikr Al-Jami’i, Alexandria, 2013.

V. Hamdi Suleiman Al-Qubailat, The Expiry of the Job Association in Cases Other than Discipline, 1st edition, 2004.

VI. Dr. Sami Gamal El-Din, Administrative Regulations and the Guarantee of Judicial Oversight, Alexandria University, 2003.

VII. Dr. Diyaa Sheet Khattab, Al-Wajeez in explaining the Law of Civil Procedure, Al-Ani Press, Baghdad, 1973.

VIII. Dr. Talaat Youssef Khater, The neutrality and independence of the arbitrator between theory and practice, a comparative study, New University House, Alexandria, 2015.

IX. Dr. Adel Ahmed Fouad, Neutrality as a guarantee of discipline in public office, a comparative study, Dar Al-Fikr Al-Jami’i, Cairo, 2015.

X. Dr. Abbas Al-Aboudi, Explanation of the Provisions of the Civil Procedure Code, Dar Al-Sanhouri, 2016.

XI. Dr. Ali Abu Attia Heikal, Procedural Rules of Evidence Before Arbitrators, New University House, Alexandria, 2016.

XII. Dr. Ali Gomaa Muhareb, Administrative Discipline in Public Service, A Comparative Study, University Press House, Alexandria, 2004.

XIII. Dr. Fathi Al-Wali, Mediator in Civil Judicial Law, 3rd edition, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Cairo, 1981.

XIV. Dr. Kamel Abdo Nour, The Principle of Impartiality of the Criminal Judge, a Comparative Study, New University House, Alexandria, 2017.

XV. Muhammad Khalil Al-Basha, Al-Kafi Dictionary, 1st edition, Publications Company for Distribution and Publishing, Beirut, 1999.

Second: Theses and Dissertations:

I. Abdul-Ilah Muhammad Salem Al-Nawaisa, Guarantees for the accused in the preliminary investigation stage, a comparative study, PhD thesis, Faculty of Law, Ain Al-Shams University, 2000.

II. Hisham Jalil Ibrahim Al-Zubaidi, The principle of separation of powers and its relationship to the independence of the judiciary in Iraq, a comparative study, Master’s thesis submitted to the Faculty of Law, Al-Nahrain University, 2012.

Third: Researches and Journals:

I. Dr. Ahmed Khurshid Hamidi, Fawaz Khalaf Zahir, Guarantees of the independence of the administrative judiciary in Iraq, a comparative study, an established research, Tikrit University Journal of Law, Year (8), Volume (4), Issue (29), March 2016.

II. Dr. Ahmed Refaat Khafaji, Values and Traditions of the Judicial Authority, Law Journal, Issues 1 and 2, 1983.

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IV. Dr. Adam Wahib Al-Nadawi, Round Table on the Iraqi Evidence Law No. (107) of 1979, Al-Adala Magazine, Issue 2, 6th Year, Baghdad 1980.

V. Dr. Ismail Sasa'a Ghaidan, Dr. Safa Abdullah Sahib Sultan, The content of the principle of neutrality of the administrative judge, research published in the Journal of the University of Kufa, No. 48/1, 2/13/2020.

VI. Dr. Bernard Kerini, The current status of the general principle of administrative detachment, research published in the Journal of Public Law and Political Science, translated by Muhammad Arab Sasila, Issue 2, 2006.

VII. Haider Hassan Shattawi, Impartiality of the Administrative Judge in the Cases He Considers, research published in Al-Qadisiyah Magazine, issue 1, volume 4, June, 2011.

VIII. Zainab Sabri Muhammad Al-Khuza’i, Independence of the Administrative Judiciary in accordance with the Iraqi State Council Law No. 71 of 2017, research published in Al-Qadisiyah Magazine, issue 27.

IX. Dr. Abdul Aziz Al-Nawaidi, The Independence and Integrity of the Judicial System, research published on the European Mediterranean Network for Human Rights, Morocco, 2008, on the website: , date of visit: 9/10/2022.

X. Dr. Abdel Azim Wazir, Criminal Liability of Judges, Criminal Journal, Volume 38, Issues 1, 2 and 3, 1995.

XI. Dr. Alwa Hanan and others, activating the status of the administrative judge as a guarantee for the protection of rights and freedoms, a case study of Algeria and comparative experiences, research published in Al-Mustansiriya Journal of Arab and International Studies, No. 71.

XII. Dr. Mustafa Kira, The Rights and Duties of the Judge, Dubai Security and Law Journal, 1st year, issue 1, 1993.

Fourth: Constitutions and Laws:

I. The French Constitution of 1958.

II. Constitution of the Republic of Iraq of 2005.

III. Constitution of the Arab Republic of Egypt of 2014.

IV. Egyptian Civil and Commercial Procedures Law No. (13) of 1968, as amended.

V. Egyptian Evidence Law No. (25) of 1968, as amended.

VI. Iraqi Civil Procedure Law No. (83) of 1969, as amended.

VII. Code of Criminal Procedure No. 23 of 1971, as amended.

VIII. French Civil Procedure Code No. (1123) of 1975.

IX. State Shura Council Law No. (65) of 1979.

X. State Council Law No. (71) of 2017.

Fifth: Judicial Decisions:

I. Ruling of the Supreme Constitutional Court in Egypt, Case No. (34) of June 15, 1996

II. Ruling of the Supreme Constitutional Court in Egypt, Case No. (38) dated November 16, 1996

III. Ruling of the Supreme Administrative Court in Egypt, Appeal No. (317) dated January 20, 2001, Judicial Year (44).

IV. Ruling of the Egyptian Supreme Constitutional Court/Case No. (148) on July 6, 2008.

V. Decision of the Federal Court of Cassation in Case No. (851/Civil/2013) on June 24, 2013.

Sixth: Websites Resources:

I. University of Minnesota website, Human Rights Library:

II. Euro-Mediterranean Network for Human Rights, Morocco

III. The official website of the Supreme Judicial Council:




