The Offence of Refraining from Publishing a Response or Correction in Iraqi and Egyptian Law


  • Najah Ibrahim Sabea University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Sciences - Iraq


The Offence of Refraining, Publishing a Response, Correction, Iraqi and Egyptian Law


The right of response or correction is a means in which underlines commitment of newspaper  to accuracy in what is published, as in there is prior censorship by the newspaper itself before publication, or the newspaper to be held  legal accountability as a result to abuse of copyright, and  modern penal legislation were held, including  Iraqi and Egyptian law, since the newspaper is published or is broadcasted the media material  to penal and civil liability in the case of refusal on publishing the response or correction received by the persons concerned. Basically, the study indicated that there is a difference in expressing this right, therefore the Iraqi legislator called it a "right of response" and the Egyptian legislator called it a "right of correction", and each of  two laws determined the penalty which is due to impose in the case of refraining and indicating cases of permissibility to refrain, and apology for publishing the response or correction, also the study sought to reflect the legislative deficiency in Iraqi law.


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