The Legal Consequences of The Unconstitutionality of the KHOR ABDULLAH Convention


  • Bedaa Abdel-Jawad Muhammad Tawfiq University of Mosul- College of Law



Khor Abdullah, Convention, Legal Implications


The Khor Abdullah Convention is a border political Convention between Iraq and Kuwait that came to regulate maritime navigation, and was among many concessions made by Iraq to get out of the sanctions of Chapter Seven of the United Nations Charter.

The Convention was concluded between Iraq and Kuwait in 2013, and the Convention stipulated in its terms that terminating or amending the Convention could not be done except by Convention of both parties. However, as a result of one of the appeals submitted before the Federal Supreme Court regarding the Convention’s ratification law, the Federal Supreme Court ruled that the ratification law, which is Law No. 42 of 2013, was unconstitutional..

Therefore, the idea of the research came to address the issue of the subjection of international treaties and Conventions to the oversight of the constitutional judiciary, as this oversight is considered one of the most important guarantees for achieving the principle of legality and the principle of the supremacy of the constitution, especially since the issue of conflict between the provisions of international law and internal law is something that is likely to happen due to the impossibility of any country living in isolation from the international community.

The research problem may be embodied in the invalidation of the law ratifying the Convention by the Federal Supreme Court. What is the impact of this on the two parties to the Convention? What is the solution if the Convention is not annulled by the Kuwaiti side?


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Fifth: Constitutions and laws:

• Constitutions:

I. Honduran Constitution of 1982

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I. Iraqi Treaty Contracting Law No. 35 of 2015.

II. Law of Ratification of Khor Abdullah Convention No. 42 of 2013.

Sixth: Decisions and reports:

* Security Council resolutions:

I. Resolution 687 issued on April 3, 1991.

II. Resolution 773 issued on 8/26/1992.

III. Resolution 833 issued on 5/27/1993.

• Judicial decisions:

I. Federal Supreme Court ruling No. 28/Federal/2018 dated 2/12/2018 via the court’s website Date of visit: 10/9/2023

II. Federal Supreme Court Ruling No. 105 and Unified No. 194 / Federal / 2023 via the website: Date of visit: 10/21/2023

* Reports:

I. Report of the Investigative Committee on the Khor Abdullah Convention, Item/11, House of Representatives/Parliamentary Order Committee (77), Issue No. 35, dated 2/14/2018.

Seventh: Websites:

I. Ahmed Ali Abboud Al-Khafaji, the temporal impact of the ruling issued by the Federal Supreme Court to abolish the unconstitutional law, the thirteenth annual scientific conference of the College of Law - Ahl al-Bayt University, via the website:

II. Date of visit: 10/15/2023

III. The Khor Abdullah Convention is a blatant Kuwaiti assault on Iraqi sovereignty. an article by the Rawabet Center for Research and Studies via the website.

IV. Date of visit: 10/15/2023

V. Definition and meaning of Al-Khor in the comprehensive dictionary of meanings, via the website

VI. Date of visit: 10/13/2023

VII. Encyclopedia of terms in physical geography, via the website

VIII. Date of visit: 10/13/2023




