Social Media And Terrorism In Digital Age (Electronic Terrorism )


  • Estabraq Fadhil Shayyer Al-Nahrain University- college of Political Science
  • Mushtaq Talab Fadhil Al-Nahrain University- college of Political Science



Social Networking Sites, Terrorism , Digital Age , Electronic Terrorism


This study, which is considered a link between the disciplines of media and politics, seeks to explain social networking sites and terrorism in the digital age (cyber-terrorism), as these sites have increased and are taking a major role in shaping positions and trends on the issues raised on the political scene locally, regionally, and internationally. It aims to clarify the most important factors that reinforce and confirm the functional role and media coverage of electronic terrorism on the Internet, carried out by these social sites, through psychological warfare through propaganda and media, because the confrontation has moved from the battlefield to media and electronic texts to compensate for material capabilities and reduce human losses. In these wars


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