International Responsibility Resulting From Violating The Protection Provisions Established For Media Professionals During Armed Conflicts


  • Omar Abbood Khaleel Bilad Alrafidain University College- Department Of Law



International Responsibility, Armed Conflicts, Media Professionals, International Criminal, International Protection.


Protecting media professionals is an inherent right like any of the rights that protect civilians during war. This means that guarantees must be provided for this category because of the seriousness of the work they perform, and their role in moving public opinion, as they are considered an important tool in directing global public opinion. They are among the elements Capable of clarifying the illegality of any war, provided that these guarantees are negated by their direct participation in hostilities, espionage, treason, or their use of media headquarters in a civilian and military manner at the same time.

It is considered one of the first victims of wars. This is the truth, stressing that the experience of armed conflicts has shown that the phenomenon of victims of media personnel has increased significantly in a blatant and clear violation of international humanitarian law, as this law guarantees protection for these media professionals in confronting the parties to the conflict.  


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