The Crime of Taking Documents out of the Country (A Comparative Study)


  • Ismael Ne’ma Abood College of Law - University of Babylon
  • Mohammed Hamza Aouaid College of Law - University of Babylon


crime, taking out, documents, country


The preservation of documents is one of the manifestations of the prestige، power and sovereignty of the state as it represents its memory that reflects its successes، influences، failures and activities. Documents whether administrative، security، scientific or historical which belong to the legislative، judicial and executive departments of the state، including documents related to public figures، institutions and organizations which are not affiliated with a ministry are the most important elements of the work of institutions and to the national culture and human history. It is one of the most important components of the political، administrative، security and human memory of the state extending to the deepest roots of its components. In addition، it represents an asset and cultural heritage of the state and society. Therefore، attacking it means the loss of part of those facts، information and realities that concern the state and society and may result in harm to the interests of the state، security and safety. A form of assaulting it is the crime of taking documents out of the country. Therefore، many countries have been keen to criminalize this behavior within their legislation and set a penalty.


- القرآن الكريم

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ثالثاً: الرسائل والأطاريح الجامعية :

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خامساً: قوانين الحفاظ على الوثائق :

I. قانون الوثائق اليمني رقم (21) لسنة (2002).

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سادساً: قوانين أخرى :

I. قانون تعديل مبالغ الغرامات رقم (6) لسنة (2008) الواردة في قانون العقوبات العراقي رقم (111) لسنة (1969) والقوانين الخاصة الأخرى.

سابعاً: القرارات القضائية غير المنشورة

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ثامناً: البحوث على مواقع الانترنت :

I.< Iraq-news .موقع قناة السومرية

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- The Holy Quran

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XLI. Dr. Maher Abdul Shawish al-Durrah, general provisions in the Penal Code, Dar Al-Hikma press for printing and publishing, Mosul, 1990.

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XLIII. Dr.Mohsen Naji, general provisions in the Penal Code, Vol. 1, ANI Press, 1974.

XLIV. Dr.Mohamed Zaki Abu Amer, Penal Code, General Department, University Publishing House, Alexandria, 1986.

XLV. Dr.Mohammed Abdul-Jawad Sharif, illustrations in libraries and information resource centers, Vol. 2, Dar Al-Elm and Al-Iman, Kafr el-Sheikh, 2011.

XLVI. Dr.Mohammed Ali Abu Ela, media documentation and electronic publishing in the light of the information society, Dar Al-Elm and Al-Iman, Cairo, 2013.

XLVII. Dr.Mohammed Qubaisi, the science of documentation in the Arab world, New Horizons House, Beirut, ١٩٨٠.

XLVIII. Dr.Mohammed Qubaisi, the science of documentation and modern technology, Vol. 1, New Horizons House, Beirut, 1982.

XLIX. Dr.Mahmoud Abbas Hamouda, Abou El Fotouh Hamed Ouda, archive course in the field of management information, Nahdet El Sharq library, Cairo University, without a year of printing.

L. Dr.Mahmoud Abbas Hamouda, introduction to the study of Arabic documents, Nahdet Al-Sharq library, Cairo University, 1995.

LI. Dr.Mahmoud Abbas Hamouda, document security, Gharib library, Cairo, no printing year.

LII. Dr.Mahmoud Naguib Hosny, the general theory of criminal intent, Vol.3, Arab renaissance House, Cairo, 1988.

LIII. Dr.Mahmoud Nasr, mediator in crimes against the public interest, Maarif establishment, Alexandria, 2004.

LIV. Dr.Medhat Ramadan, criminal protection for the honor and consideration of public figures, Arab renaissance House, Cairo, 1999.

LV. Dr.Mustafa Ibrahim al-Zalmi and Dr. Ali Ahmed Saleh al-Mahdawi, the origins of jurisprudence in its new fabric, Vol.1, National publishing center, Jordan, 1999.

LVI. Dr.Mustafa al-auji, the general theory of crime in Criminal Law, Vol.2, PLA press, Beirut, 1970.

LVII. Dr.Mustafa Mortada al-Mousawi, Odette Maroun Badran, Iman Fadel al-Samarrai, documents, printed for the benefit of Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, 1979.

LVIII. Dr.Hilal m-natout, media documentation, first edition, Arab renaissance House, Beirut, بيروت.

Third: University theses and theses :

I. Intisar Delhomme, archive management in public institutions and administrations (field study), master's thesis, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mentore University, Constantine, ٢٠٠٦.

II. Taqa Malika, miner of the social insurance archive of the Oran agency, master's thesis, submitted to the Faculty of Humanities and Islamic Civilization, Sanya University Oran, 2012.

Fourth: magazines and periodicals :

I. Khairaldine Kazem Obaid, the argument of not knowing the provisions of the applicable foreign law, a research published in the Journal of the investigator al-Hilli for legal and Political Sciences, the first issue, Volume 3, year of publication, 2011.

II. Maya Khater, transnational organized crime and ways to combat it, a research published in the Journal of Damascus University of economic and Legal Sciences, the third issue, volume 27, 2011.

III. Mahmoud Naguib Hosni, unintentional error in the Penal Code, research published in the law journal, Issues VI and VII, forty-fourth year, February and March, 1964.

Fifth: the laws of preservation of documents :

I. Yemeni documents Law No. 21 of 2002.

II. The law of the National Center for documentation and research of the United Arab Emirates No. 7 of the year (2008).

III. The law of the Libyan Center for archives and historical studies No. 24 of 2012.

IV. Iraqi document preservation law No. 37 of 2016.

Sixth: other laws :

I. The law amending the amounts of fines No. 6 of 2008 contained in the Iraqi Penal Code No. 111 of 1969 and other special laws.

Seventh: unpublished judicial decisions

I. Rusafa Criminal Court / E3 no. (1051 / C3 / 2013) on (30/5/2013)

II. Decision of the Criminal Court of Babylon / E1 No. 403 / C / 2016 on (23/6/2016)

Eighth: research on internet sites :

I.< Iraq-news .Location of the Sumerian canal




