The Wife’s Work and Its Effect on the Expenditure and Financial Disclosure (Legitimatized – Judicial Study)


  • Rana Sadik shehab College of Law and Political Science - Al-Iraqia University


The Wife’s Work, Expenditure, Financial Disclosure


The study aims at identifying the effect of the wife's work outside and inside the house on the provisions of marital expenditure and independent financial disclosure. The researcher divides this study into two sections; section one presents the work of the wife, its quiddity, legitimacy and regulations.  This section deals with the definition of work, the right to work in general as it is a human right, the legitimacy of woman’s work in the conventions, international treaties, Islamic Sharee’ah and the Iraqi constitution. This section also deals with the regulations of woman’s work outside the house and adhering the decencies of getting out of the house that should not interfere with her basic task and commensurate with her nature and ability and that women need to work or the society needs her. Section two entitled the effect of the wife's work on her right of expenditure and independent financial disclosure. This section is divided into two issues; the first one deals with the effect of wife’s work outside and inside the house on the expenditure and the extent of the effect of giving or not giving the permission to work outside the house by the husband on the wife’s claiming to expenditure. As for the second issue, it deals with the effect of the wife's work on the wife’s financial disclosure.


- القرآن الكريم

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