Utilization of the License to Practice Pharmacy - A Comparative Study


  • Nazar Hazim Muhammad Al- Damaloji College of Law - University of Mosul


Utilization, Pharmacy, License, pharmacist, responsibility


The profession of pharmacy, which accompanied the profession of medicine is one of the oldest professions practiced by the human. Despite the importance of this profession, some phenomena which were characterized by ambiguity had emerged. And because of the novelty of these contracts, they were not organized by the legislator. Among these phenomena is the permission that the pharmacist grants for another person to benefit of the license to practice his private profession to open a pharmacy and receive the clients using his own name and license. This calls for finding the suitable adaptation for this case because of the existence of a legislative and doctrinal deficiency for treating such cases. It is likely that the absence of the legal organization can be traced to the non- expectancy of the appearance of such contracts. This requires the legislator's and the legal jurisprudent’s intervention to find appropriate solutions by defining the obligations and the responsibilities of the parties to this contract if they violate the legal rules governing the practice of pharmacy profession.


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Volume 8 Issue 1 (2019)



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