Aathors Responsibilities

Reporting Standards:
The researcher(s) must comply with the publication policy and scientific writing style approved by the journal. The criteria for accurate manuscripts must be provided through clarity of purpose, presentation of the results in an accurate and sequential manner, and discussion of these results to achieve the objectives of the research in addition to justifying the research method. In addition to the necessity of enhancing the manuscripts with details of the work, as well as with modern scientific references. Research should not include results from other research. The inclusion of forged or stolen results in whole or in part is considered unethical and unacceptable behavior that exposes its perpetrators to criminal and civil liability in accordance with the laws and instructions in force. This requires the researcher to sign a pledge regarding the above-mentioned items.

Multiple or simultaneous posts:
Researchers should not submit their work to more than one journal; Otherwise, the author will be presented to take responsibility for it. As researchers are not allowed to submit their scientific products to be evaluated, to another journal that has its own publishing policy. According to its laws and instructions.

Writing the paper:
Specific names should be given to the authors, those who have made a significant contribution to the research including research idea, design, implementation and writing. One of the authors must be appointed as coordinator to be in contact with the journal. Final approval of the final version of the manuscript submitted for publication (undertaking) is also required.

Disclosure and conflict of interest:
Researchers are obligated to disclose financial or other type of support provided to them. In addition, they must disclose any financial discrepancies or other issues affecting research findings or interpretations.

Basic errors in published works:
It is obligatory to notify the journal by the researcher(s) in the event of errors in the material of their manuscripts in order to make the necessary corrections in the incorrect forms of printing. When the authors discover a significant error or inaccuracy in the published paper, they must inform the journal and cooperate with them in order to retract or correct their research in the erroneous print form.