Publication Policy

Journal of Juridical  and Political Science  welcomes your contributions from original authentic  researches , studies, judicial commentaries, summaries of master’s theses and doctoral dissertations , scientific reports on seminars and conferences, displaying new books and reviewing them in both Arabic and English, journal  also invites you to communicate  with it and enrich its issues according to its special  publishing policy, which is represented by the following:

  1. Journal of Juridical  and Political Science is a semi-annual, periodic journal.

  2. The journal is specialized in publishing research in social sciences (Judicial and political) or displaying master’s theses and doctoral dissertations or comments on judicial decisions or scientific reports on seminars and conferences or displaying and reviewing new books in Juridical and Political science in both Arabic and English.

  3. The journal retained all copyrights, and all opinions expressed by the authors in the manuscript  which reflect their views,  besides the journal  is not responsible for their opinions, based on the principle of independence of opinion.

  4. The journal is not obligated to return the original copies of researches, comments on judicial decisions, briefs books, master’s theses or doctoral dissertations, whether published or not, with all expenses deducted in the case of non-publication.

  5. The priority for publication shall be obtained acceptance of publication for research in accordance with the rule of precedence , and in the case of an urgent publication request by the researcher, an additional amount shall be paid for the final publication fees of  research, according to what is available on the journal's website.

  6. The scientific article must not be  previously  published in a journal, periodical or scientific conference, with an undertaking submitted by the researcher, and otherwise the researcher bears all legal and financial responsibility.

  7. The researcher must   adhere not  to send his/ her manuscript to any   scientific journal for the purpose of publishing, until the journal’s response reaches the validity of his / her manuscript  for publication whether or not it is within a period of two months from the date of receipt manuscript , Otherwise, the journal  retains  all legal and financial rights.

  8. The researcher must adhere to conditions and method of publication  available on the journal's official website (http://, Otherwise, the journal is not responsible for any delay in accepting or publishing manuscript.


  1. The researcher should consider the scientific honesty in manuscript, foremost of which is the Committee on Publication Ethics, for example, documenting references, sources and legal and scientific texts, taking into account objectivity and methodology in writing. Otherwise, the researcher bears all legal, administrative, and financial responsibility for any infringement of these ethics in accordance with national or international laws and instructions, including the Copyright Protection Law No. 3 of 1971.

  2. All manuscripts to be published in the journal , are subject to the plagiarism check in order to ensure that research is not partially or completely stolen . Otherwise, the researcher bears all legal, financial and administrative responsibility.

  3. The manuscript published in the journal is subject to explicit evaluation  and peer- reviewed process as well as linguistic scrutiny (Arabic and English) and the journal has the authority to agree to publish it or not  on the basis of preliminary opinions of the journal's editorial board or the opinions of specialized 

  4. The researcher presents manuscript with a summary of the researcher's scientific biography (profile)  as well as his/ her official email that ends with an extension ( . For the Iraqi researchers or the researcher's personal mail with the phone number.

  5. A printed copy of the published number shall be given to every researcher. As well as a copy of his/her research. The journal does not bear the fees for sending the paper copy of the researcher.

  6. The journal operates according to (Open Access Policy).

  7. The journal is committed to granting the author acceptance of publication when he/she fulfils all the requirements, provided that the volume, number and year of publication are mentioned. Except for a copy of his/her article extracted from Master's theses or PhD dissertations.

  8. The journal receives manuscript through the e- mail available on the journal's official website or personally.