Publication Rules

Judicial summaries and university dissertations and theses that were discussed and approved, scientific reports on seminars and conferences, and the presentation and review of new books, whether presented in Arabic or in English in their field of specialization (legal and political sciences) in accordance with the following rules and instructions:
1. An undertaking from the researcher that the research or the study is original and has not been previously published, or has not been submitted for publication in another journal and is not completely or partially uploaded to the Internet.
2. Observing the rules and principles of scientific research (a summary of the research in Arabic and English languages, the introduction, the body of text (demands - sections, subsections),  the recomendations, conclusion, footnotes, sources and references).
3. The research or the study should not be part of the researcher’s master’s thesis or doctoral thesis or part of a book he/she has previously published, except for research extracted from thesis  submitted by both the supervisor and the researcher.
Research papers are submitted in print according to Microsoft Word 2010, with a summary of the scientific article in (100) words in Arabic, and (150) words for the scientific subject in English.
4. Research written in English is certified by an accredited translation office that undertakes the linguistic integrity of the research.
5. The research is presented printed according to the sizes and type of letters for research written in Arabic: Traditional Arabic font type is Bold, size 22 for the main headings, size 20 for sub-headings, size 18 for the body text, and size 16 for the footnotes, leaving a distance of 2.5 cm on left and right side of the page. As for the written research In English, it will be: font type Times New Roman, font size 22 for the research title, size 20 for headings, size 18 for sub-headings, and size 16 for the body, leaving a space of 2.5 cm on each side of the page, and the space between lines is one centimeter.
6. The footnotes numbers are placed in parentheses in the body of the page, and the footnotes are collected in a continuous sequence at the end of the research, not electronically linked to the footnote numbers in the body of the research.
7. The number of pages for the research or the study does not exceed (30) pages, and publication fees are collected from its owner at the rate of 150 thousand dinars, and for more than (30) pages, an amount of (5,000) five thousand dinars is collected for each additional page, and an amount is collected. As for the fees for publishing research or study from outside Iraq, it is 100 hundred US dollars.
8. The journal does not bear the costs of sending the paper copy to the researcher.
9. Attach with the research or study a summary of the researcher's scientific biography (introductory brief) with his e-mail ID.
10. The originals of research and studies received in the journal shall not be returned to their owners, whether published or not, and the right to publish shall be owned by the journal, as it may not be re-published in another scientific journal after approving its publication in the journal except after written approval (written permission) from the editor-in-chief.
11. Each researcher is given a copy of the issue in which his research is published in addition to a copy of his research.
12. The opinions expressed in the research and studies express the viewpoint of their owners and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the journal.
13. The journal adopts the international format (Chicago Style) when coordinating and arranging the sources.