Citizenship rights in the constitution -A comparative study between Iraq and Algeria


  • Mohammed Saleh Abdul Hay Abbas Laghro- Khanshala Algeria- College of Law & Political Science
  • Sabah Mawlidi Bassit Al Arabi Al Tabsi University- Algeria Tabsi- College of Laws & Political Science


citizenship, rights, the Algerian constitution, the Iraqi constitution


Every society is based on the principles of the democratic system. Its constitution recognizes rights that enhance good citizenship and create a good citizen, as is the case in the Iraqi constitutions issued in 2005 and the Algerian of 2020, where each of them specified a set of rights that would ensure the achievement of good citizenship. These rights have diversified and touched various fields alike. They are constitutionally guaranteed within a legal framework that recognizes the right to enjoy them within what the law allows, and is guaranteed to every citizen, as the rights of citizenship have been defined in line with the nature of both societies. These rights are considered the positive side in order to strengthen the link of belonging to the homeland, and to define the framework of the official and legitimate relationship between the individual and the state.


القران الكريم:
Holy Qur’an:
أولا: الكتب العربية:
First: Arabic books:
I. ابراهيم العامري، حماية حقوق الإنسان في القانون الدولي، اطروحة دكتوراه، قسم القانون الدولي، كلية القانون، جامعة بغداد 2010-2011.
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VIII. طعيمة الجرف، القانون الإداري، دراسة مقارنة في تنظيم ونشاط الإدارة العامة، د.ط، مكتبة القاهرة الحديثة، القاهرة، 1970.
ثانياً: الدساتير:
Second: Constitutions:
I. الدستور العراقي لسنة 2005.
II. الدستور الجزائري لسنة 2020

