Party Nomination & its Impact on Civil Peace (Algeria as an example)


  • Bou Deffa Ali Faculty of Law and Political Science - University of Skikda - Algeria


Parties, politics, competence, nomination, peace, law, stability, democracy, the change and the state


The majority of the political parties in Algeria including the ruling ones, have lost their credibility among the masses, and despite what these parties are enjoying (power and money), they failed miserably in providing qualified candidates that enjoy the respect of millions of Algerian voters at the level of the parliament and municipal councils. These paper focuses of the reality of political action in the Algerian political parties and the role these parties play in the political development process. It is vital to address de various social needs and the economic development of society to deal with the various conflicts and urgent demands of the society. Equality through political participation and the transition from a culture of submission and clapping, to a culture of participation and monitoring through public election, or by increasing the areas of political mobilization, in addition for the core issue of competence based public office candidates a important issues to deal with. The weakness of political parties in Algeria, and the lack of effectiveness have contributed to underdevelopment poverty and ignorance. Studies and statistics indicate that political parties failed to build a strong, active system. Progress will only take place through the nomination of qualified members whatever their convictions and affiliations. Development of laws and regulation that can lead society towards modernity and urbanization as well as the restructuring of public and political are necessary. The next step is to discuss loyalty, affiliation and participation on all levels to inspire individuals and groups. The responsibility of the political parties in finding an outlet for the country is represented in enabling qualified people to lead the community. This is not less important than providing medicine, food and housing for the community. At present, members of the political parties have absolute power and freedom (in the absence of law binding regulation), but do not have the best interest of the people in mind. The recent elections in Algeria, has been the last nail in the coffin of democracy and positive political practice. This research paper will focus on: first, reading the structure and orientation of the active political parties in Algeria nowadays; secondly, efficiency and fairness between partisan rhetoric and personal loyalties; thirdly, the impact of policies and practices in the short and long terms; and finally, the reco.


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(5) بلال أمين، الأحزاب السياسية، مرجع سابق، ص: 80.
(6) المرجع السابق نفسه، ص :84.
(7) المرجع السابق نفسه، ص: 85.
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(10) بلال أمين، الأحزاب السياسية، مرجع سابق ص:85.
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القدرة على حفظ وصيانة أموال الأمة، والعلم بطرق التسيير، وامتلاك القدرة على تسيير الآزمة بوضع حلول مناسبة لمشكلات واقعة .قال الله تعالي : ((قَالَتْ إِحْدَاهُمَا يَا أَبَتِ اسْتَأْجِرْهُ إِنَّ خَيْرَ مَنِ اسْتَأْجَرْتَ الْقَوِيُّ الْأَمِينُ)) (القصص 26)، وقال أيضاً ((قَالَ اجْعَلْنِي عَلَى خَزَائِنِ الْأَرْضِ إِنِّي حَفِيظٌ عَلِيمٌ)) (يوسف 55).
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(17) المرجع السابق نفسه، ص :98.
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(24) المرجع السابق نفسه، ص:24.
(25) جابي ناصر، لماذا تأخر الربيع الجزائري، مرجع سابق، ص:94.
(26) جابي ناصر، لماذا تأخر الربيع الجزائري، مرجع سابق، ص:103.
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(29) المرجع السابق نفسه، ص:138.
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(34) المرجع السابق نفسه، ص: 132.
(35) الكواكبي، طبائع الاستبداد، مرجع سابق، ص: 140.
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(37) المرجع السابق نفسه، ص: 278.
(38) المرجع السابق نفسه، ص: 279.




