The problem of cultural diversity in Iraqi society between the traditional of society and the mirage of modernity


  • Talal Hamid Khalil University of Diyala – College of Law and political Sciences - Iraq


Cultural diversity, Iraqi society, tradition, modernity


The issue of cultural diversity is one of the problems that have a profound impact on the unity, stability and security of states. It has a special effect especially after taking an influential direction in the formation of contradictory identities within society and their impact on civil peace. Our research studies the problem of diversity in Iraqi society for many reasons. The most important of which perhaps lies on how the problem of cultural diversity can be transformed into a culture of diversity. The topic has been addressed through the intellectual heritage of cultural diversity. The perspectives of knowledge of all kinds have dealt with diversity as a problem or crisis plaguing societies regardless of the level of progress they are witnessing. This is reflected on the intellectual output studying it on the one hand, and on its expansion and multiplicity of fields, from the other hand. We tried to shed light on the knowledge of the Iraqi society, which is witnessing the duality of traditionalism and modernity together. Methods have been put in place that would nourish the Iraqi national culture and benefit from the diversity in its creation in a balanced way away from the nutritious culture and the recipient culture. Each cultural component contributes to creating the unity of orientation for a united, secure and stable Iraq.


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