Tax Evasion in E-Commerce with reference to the Experience in Iraq


  • Ammar Yaseen Kadhim University of Diyala – College of Law and political Sciences - Iraq


Tax, tax evasion, e-commerce


Taxes are considered one of the important sources of public revenue for most countries of the world. However, the tax systems face a big problem represented by the phenomenon of tax evasion that most countries are trying to combat at the present time. Due to the technological development that the world is witnessing, a new concept has emerged in the way of concluding contracts, which is ‘e-commerce’. The two parties contract  via the Internet without seeing each other and this is what differs from what is followed in traditional trade. Because of the insufficiency of the legislative systems that regulate e-commerce, the problem of tax evasion still exists in this trade. Therefore this research tries to shed light on the problem of tax evasion especially in the context of e-commerce, with reference to the experience in the Republic of Iraq.


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خامساً: المواقع الإلكترونية:




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XVI. Dr. Mohammed Khaled Al-Mahayni, tax evasion and methods of combating it, Cairo, Arab Organization for administrative development, 2013.

XVII. Dr. Mohsen imitator, e-commerce and the impact of its use on Accounting Information Systems, Journal of the Faculty of Commerce, Tanta University, volume I, first issue, 2011.

XVIII. Dr. Yahya Ahmed Ismail, a critical analytical study of income tax rates, Journal of money and Commerce, Vol.16, No. 3, 2010.

XIX. Fear of the risks of technology and the nature of the consumer, a report published in the Economic Supplement of the Gulf newspaper, No. 8112, 2001.

Fourth: the laws:

I. The law amending the Income Tax Law No. 113 of 1982, No. 58 in 1988.

II. The law amending the Income Tax Law No. 113 of 1982, No. 35 in 1999.

III. The Iraqi electronic signature law, electronic transactions No. 78 of 2012.

IV. Iraqi property tax law No. 62 of 1959.

V. Iraqi tax penalties Amnesty Law No. 9 of 2019.

Fifth: websites:




IV. Dr. Jamil al-Sabouni, "tax evasion", a research published in the internet on the website of the Arab legal library, at the link : date of visit: 25/7/2019.

V. Dr. Good constant, e-commerce...Switch from traditional to automated", research published on the internet, at the link: date of visit: 17/8/2019.

VI. Dr. Ziada Abdulwahab Al-Nuaimi, "international regulation of e-commerce", research published in the internet, at the link: date of visit: 27/9/2019.

VII. Dr. Yousef February, "e-commerce is a motivation, challenges and ambition", a research published in the internet, at the link:




