The forces affecting the formation of the Iraqi political culture:socio-political vision


  • Mr, Kamal Sabbar Brisam College of Law and Political Science- University of Diyala
  • . Shakir Abdul Kareem Fadhil College of Law and Political Science- University of Diyala


Political Science - Political Systems


The research sought to show the most prominent forces influencing the formation of political culture in Iraqi society. The political culture suffered before 2003 AD to a great scaling by the political system, which was working to instill, a culture of submission and loyalty to the system, as well as the use of means of coercion to suppress any attempt to put forward ideas or Political practices aimed at participating in power. This led to a culture of submission and loyalty to the political system and not opposing it. After 9 April 2003, the form of the political system changed from a totalitarian system to a democratic one, and from a one-party system to a multi-party system. Thus, the citizen was given a wide space to exercise political rights and freedoms, and an opportunity to develop a culture of participation instead of traditional political cultures and a culture of submission.


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