The effect of a special amnesty in cases that guarantee human rights A Research Extracted from the Master thesis of Human Rights and Public Freedoms


  • Maher Hamid Ismail University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science
  • AbdulRazaq Talal Jasim University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science


the effect of a special pardon, the effect of a government pardon


In this research, we will shed light on the implications of the human rights guarantor cases when the President of the Republic issued the republican decree for a special amnesty for one of the convicts. These effects varied according to what was included in the legal texts contained in the Iraqi penal legislation, which were limited to the penal sanctions without any other penal effects that may result from the lawsuit, as well as its lack of impact on civil rights arising from illegal acts, because the compensation arising from these acts could be waived by the aggrieved party and not by the public authority.


أولاً: الكتب:

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ثانياً: الرسائل والأطاريح:

Second: Theses and Dissertations

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ثالثاً: المجلات:

Third Journals:

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X. د.علي حمزة عسل الخفاجي, الاثار الجزائية للاضرار بالمال العام, بحث منشور في مجلة الحلي القانونية والسياسية, العدد/13, 2016.

XI. عمار شهيد عبد، صحيفة سوابق المتهم واثرها في العقوبة الجزائية، بحث قضائي(غير منشور)، مجلس القضاء الاعلى، جمهورية العراق، 2016.

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رابعاً: القوانين والقرارات:

Fourth: Laws and Resolutions:

I. قانون المرافعات المدنية رقم 83 لسنة 1969(المعدل)

II. قانون العقوبات العراقي رقم 111 لسنة 1969 (المعدل).

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خامساً: المراجع الالكترونية:

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V. Dr.Samia doula, a study on the jurisprudence of the judiciary, publications of the Al-Atrash specialized book complex, Tunisia, 2013.

VI. Dr.Sherdoud El-Tayeb, special amnesty in criminal law and its effects, research published at the University of Messila, Truth Magazine, Issue 39,Algeria, 2016.

VII. Dr.Dia Abdullah Abboud, amnesty as one of the reasons for the expiration of the criminal case in the Iraqi Criminal Procedure Code in force, faculty of law: Karbala university, research published in the journal dissertation of Rights, third year, second issue, 2011.

VIII. Dr.Adel Abdel Ibrahim, the legal effects of special amnesty - a study in Jordanian law, research published in the journal Al-Balqa, Volume V, issue II, 1998.

IX. Dr.Abdul Jalil Bin Mahfouz, the right of amnesty between theory and practice, Mohamed Bashir Brahimi University, Faculty of law and political science, research published in the journal oases for research and Studies, Vol./9, Issue/1, 2016.

X. Dr.Ali Hamza asal Al-Khafaji, the criminal consequences of damage to public funds, a research published in the Journal of legal and political ornaments, issue/13, 2016.

XI. Ammar Shahid Abdul, the newspaper of the accused's antecedents and its impact on criminal punishment, judicial research (unpublished), Supreme Judicial Council, Republic of Iraq, 2016.

XII. Dr.Mohammed Ali Salem Jassim, the rights of crime victims in primary investigation, a research published in al-Hilli Journal of legal and Political Sciences, issue/4, seventh year/2015.

Fourth: laws and decisions:

Fourth: Laws and Resolutions:

I. Civil proceedings Law No. 83 of 1969 (as amended)

II. Iraqi Penal Code No. 111 of 1969 (as amended).

III. Criminal Procedure Law No. 23 of 1971 (as amended)

IV. Law on the protection of witnesses, experts, informants and victims No. 58 of 2017.

V. Special amnesty Resolution No. 14 for the year2020.

Fifth: electronic references:

Fifth: Electronic references:

I. See: Dr.Mohamed Khamis Ibrahim, introduction of the criminal record Law, published research, available on the website:




