The Role of Iraqi Political Parties in the Protection of Political Freedom


  • Sattar kdhim jawad University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science
  • Imad Mu’ayed Jasim University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science
  • Balsam Adnan Abdullah University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Sciences


political parties, Political freedoms, Iraq


Political freedom is an activity based on the participation of the citizens in the political system and decisions making. The political freedom reflects the ability of the citizens to participate in the administration of the public issues through government establishments especially the informal ones. Such trait is one of the modern states characteristics which aim at political stability and development in addition to power peaceful transfer. The spread of political freedom is evident especially after 2003 in Iraq because it is related to other aspects that could be a cause of worry for both government and the citizens. Such freedom refers to multilevel activities of a society awareness. In addition,  It is the basis of democracy which determine the ideological land procedure  framework to achieving the aim. There would be no democracy without political parties just like there are no political parties without democracy. Many political parties of different ideology founded after 2003 and then, political practice took place represented by election. So, such freedom requires protection and maintenance. 


القران الكريم

Holly Quran:

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Holy Quran

Holly Quran:

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Volume 11 Issue 2 (2022)



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