The Legal System of the European Court of Human Rights


  • Nawar Hamed Mohamed Ali University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science
  • Balasem Adnan Abdullah University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science


The legal system, European Court, Human Rights


The European court of human rights is considered a regional supervisory judicial tool, that plays a special role in a good application of the rules of the European contract for human rights and its protocols and make the member states respects the texts of this contract and its protocols convention. On the level of international protection services, the European court of human rights is considered the most effectiveness on the universal level and is considered precedent in the history of control to the commitment of countries for human rights and common freedom for people on their territories.



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I. Article 27 of protocol N.11,.1- Article 25 Rēvocation La Cour dispose dūn greffe don’t les lƠrganisation sont fixes par le rēglement de la cour Elle est assistēe de refēvendaires

II. Articles of protocol N.11

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Sixth: Foreign Sources:

Sixth: Foreign resources:

I. Article 27 of protocol N.11,.1- Article 25 Rēvocation La Cour dispose dūn greffe don’t les lƠrganisation sont fixes par le rēglement de la cour Elle is assistēe de refēvendaires

II. Articles of protocol N.11

III. Jean – François RENUSSl "Introduction of gēnērale ā La Convention europēenne des Droits de ĺHomme Droits garantis et mēCanisme de protection", Strasbourg. Edition ś du conseiL de Ī Europe , 2005 , P 124




