The Role of United States Policy in Controlling of Regional Balances in East Asia (China and Japan as a Sample)


  • Ismail Thyab Khalil University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq
  • Dina Muhammad Jabir University of Baghdad - College of Political Sciences - Iraq


United States Policy, Regional Balances, East Asia, China and Japan


The crime of enforced disappearance had a significant impact over a victim and family members, requiring integrated  compensation programs, including restitution of rights, rehabilitation, and financial compensation, for their losses. Furthermore,  moral compensation for their satisfaction. The importance of this research lies to clarify international instruments and Iraqi legislation which affirmed the right of children to compensation for the crime of enforced disappearance and gave specific importance to  vulnerable group of victims, in addition to indicate to what  Iraq fulfills  its obligations  in that respect. Therefore, the researcher divides the research into an introduction and three sections, the first section is allocated, to demonstrate the international instruments concerned with children's rights to compensation, and  forms of compensation are included by these instruments, while the second and third section are illustrated, the impact of international instruments in Iraqi legislation and  forms of compensation that included in Iraqi legislation. Finally,  the research is completed, to a conclusion that implied the most important results and suggestions.


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