Guarantees Of The Right To Social Security In Iraqi Legislation


  • Balasim Adnan Abdullah AL- Tamimi University of Diyala – College of Law and Political Sciences
  • Enas Taleb Aidan University of Diyala-College of Law And Political Science



Social Security, Social Protection, Social Care Security.


Guaranteeing a person’s right to a decent living and finding job opportunities or guaranteeing his life’s requirements is guaranteed by Islamic law and law through international charters and agreements. The right to social security is one of the important human rights that countries, including Iraq, seek to embody in their economic and social policy and apply it effectively on the ground to include all aspects. Which falls within the social protection of members of society, by establishing a legal system that helps achieve the set goals through the formulation of various legal texts regulating this. The existence of a social security system is an essential foundation in any state and society that respects human humanity and responds to all principles, charters and declarations related to human rights. Commitment to legislating laws and issuing regulations and instructions regarding the right to social security for individuals and covering, comprehensiveness and provision of all application requirements. The requirements of legal regulation confirm that there are guarantees that confirm and document the process of meeting benefits to beneficiary parties in terms of place and time in accordance with the contexts. There is no doubt that Iraq is one of the countries that adhere to principles, standards and rules. It is binding and provides all guarantees that help guarantee human rights, including his right to social security


أولاً: الكتب القانونية:

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XXII. مها بهجت يونس الصالحي، الحكم بعدم دستورية نصٍ تشريعيٍ ودوره في تعزيز دولة القانون (دراسةٌ مقارنةٍ)، أطروحة دكتوراه، جامعة بغداد، كلية القانون، 2006.

XXIII. هشام جليل إبراهيم الزبيدي، مبدأ الفصل بين السلطات وعلاقته باستقلال القضاء في العراق دراسةً مقارنةٍ، رسالة ماجستيرٍ، جامعةٌ النهرين، كلية الحقوق، 2012.

XXIV. وسام نجم عبد الله، دور رئيس الدولة في الرقابة على دستورية القوانين لبنان والعراق (دراسةٌ مقارنةٍ)، رسالة ماجستيرٍ، الجامعة الإسلامية في لبنان، كلية الحقوق، لبنان، 2018.

XXV. وسام نعمت السعدي، المنظمات الدولية غير الحكومية، رسالة ماجستيرٍ، جامعة الموصل، كلية القانون،2001.

XXVI. وسام نعمت السعدي، المنظمات الدولية غير الحكومية، رسالة ماجستيرٍ، جامعة الموصل، كلية القانون،2001.

ثالثاً: البحوث والمقالات:

I. إيمان عبد الله العزاوي، التنظيم القانوني لقضاء العمل العراقي دراسة وفق قانون العمل العراقي رقم (37) لسنة 2015، مقال منشور في المجلة الأكاديمية للبحوث القانونية والسياسية، المجلد: 5، العدد: 2، 2021.

II. أحمد فكاك أحمد والسيد عماد وكاع عجيل، مفهوم مؤسسات المجتمع المدني في الفكر المعاصر، بحثٌ منشورٌ في مجلة تكريت للعلوم القانونية والسياسية، جامعة تكريت، السنة: 4، العدد: 14، 2012.

III. إيمان عبد الله العزاوي، التنظيم القانوني لقضاء العمل العراقي دراسة وفق قانون العمل العراقي رقم (37) لسنة 2015، مقال منشور في المجلة الأكاديمية للبحوث القانونية والسياسية، المجلد: 5، العدد: 2، 2021.

IV. نغم أحمد محمد ودٍ. عبد الباسط علي جاسم، مشروعية الضريبة (دراسةً قانونيةً مقارنةٍ)، بحث منشور في مجلة جامعة تكريت للعلوم الإنسانية، المجلد: 14، العدد: 3، 2007.

V. رز كار محمد قادر، استقلال القضاء كونه ركيزةً من ركائز المحاكمات العادلة (دراسةٌ مقارنةٍ في القانون الوضعي والشريعة الإسلامية)، بحثٌ منشورٌ في مجلة الرافدين للحقوق، جامعة صلاح الدين، العدد: 39، ج 11، 2009.

رابعاً: القرارات القضائية:

I. القرار الصادر من مجلس القضاء الأعلى/ رئاسة محكمة استئناف بغداد الكرخ/ محكمة عمل بغداد الكرخ، العدد: 466/ عمل/ 2022، التاريخ: 18/8/2022 (قرارٌ غير منشورٍ).

II. القرار الصادر من مجلس القضاء الأعلى/رئاسة محكمة استئناف بغداد الكرخ/ محكمة عمل بغداد الكرخ، العدد: 277/عمل/2022، التاريخ: 13/9/2022 (قرارٌ غير منشورٍ).

III. القرار الصادر من مجلس القضاء الأعلى/ رئاسة محكمة استئناف ديالى الاتحادية/ محكمة عمل ديالى، العدد: 1/ عملٌ/ 2021، التاريخ: 15/11/2021 (قرارٌ غير منشورٍ).

IV. القرار الصادر من مجلس القضاء الأعلى/ رئاسة محكمة استئناف ديالى الاتحادية/ محكمة عمل ديالى، العدد: 5/عمل/2021، التاريخ: 8/12/2021 (قرارٌ غير منشورٍ).


Legal books:

I. Ibrahim Abdel Aziz Shiha, Political Systems and Constitutional Law, Mansha’at Al-Ma’arif, Egypt - Alexandria, 2000.

II. Ihsan Hamid Al-Mufarji, Dr. Katran Zaghir Nimah and others, The General Theory of Constitutional Law and the Constitutional System in Iraq, 4th edition, Al-Atak Company, Egypt - Cairo, 2011.

III. Ahmed Abdel-Hasib Abdel-Fattah El-Senter Yassi, The Role of the Annulment Judge in Balancing the Principle of Legality and the Principle of Legal Security, 1st edition, Dar Al-Fikr Al-Jami’i, Egypt - Alexandria, 2018.

IV. Ahmed Abdel Aziz Al-Kashwani and Issam Mahdi Abdeen, Bankruptcy in the United Arab Emirates, 1st edition, Dar Al-Hamid for Publishing and Distribution, Jordan-Amman, 2022.

V. Ahmed Abdel Malik and Dr. Faraj Daham and others, The People Want Reform in Qatar Too, 2nd edition, Al Maaref Publishing and Distribution Forum, Lebanon - Beirut, 2014.

VI. Ahmed Fathi Sorour, Constitutional Legitimacy and Human Rights, Dar Al Nahda Al Arabiya, Egypt - Cairo, 1995.

VII. Idris Hassan Muhammad Al-Jubouri, Religious Freedom in Islamic Sharia and Legal Systems, a Comparative Study, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabi, Egypt - Cairo, 2008.

VIII. Asin Ahmed Fakhri, Considerations of the Administration’s Deviation from the Principle of Legality in the Disciplinary Field: A Comparative Constitutional-Legislative Study, University of Kirkuk, College of Law and Political Science, 2017.

IX. Ashraf Fayez Al-Lamasawi, The Role of Constitutional Oversight in Protecting Rights and Freedoms within the Framework of National Legislation and International Covenants, 1st edition, National Center for Legal Publications, Egypt - Cairo, 2009.

X. Azin Khaled Abdel Rahman, Human Rights guarantees under the Emergency Law, 1st edition, Dar Al-Hamid Publishing and Distribution, Jordan- Amman, 2008.

XI. Akram Faleh Al-Sawaf, Constitutional and Legal Protection of the Right to Private Property (A Comparative Study), 1st edition, Zahran Publishing and Distribution House, Jordan - Amman, 2010.

XII. Amin Atef Saliba, The Role of the Constitutional Judiciary in Establishing the State of Law - A Comparative Study, Modern Book Foundation, Lebanon - Beirut, 2002.

XIII. Iyad Kamel Ibrahim Al-Zebari, The Peaceful Transfer of Power in the Islamic System of Government, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah, Lebanon - Beirut, 2012.

XIV. Eric Barendt, Introduction to Constitutional Law, translated by: Dr. Muhammad Thamer, 1st edition, Al-Sanhouri Library, Baghdad, 2011.

XV. Tharwat Al-Badawi, Political Systems, Constitutional Law, and the Development of Constitutional Systems in Egypt, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabi, Egypt - Cairo, 1971.

XVI. Hassan Khalil, The Principle of Legitimacy, University Press House, Lebanon - Beirut, 1998.

XVII. Hussein Wahid Abboud Al-Issawi, Political Rights and Freedoms in the Iraqi Constitution of 2005, Arab Center for Publishing and Distribution, Egypt - Cairo, 2018.

XVIII. Hanan Muhammad Al-Qaisi, The General Theory of Constitutional Law, 1st edition, National Center for Legal Publications, Egypt - Cairo, 2015.

XIX. Khaled Khalil Al-Zaher, Administrative Judiciary, Board of Grievances in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Judiciary of Abolition - Judiciary of Compensation, 2nd edition, Library of Law and Economics, Riyadh, 2014.

XX. Ramzi Riad Awad, Oversight of the Judicial Implementation of Fair Trial Guarantees, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Egypt - Cairo, 2006.

XXI. Zaid Atta Al-Arja, Al-Aoun in Jordanian Constitutional Law and Political and Constitutional Organization, Amwaj Publishing and Distribution, Jordan - Amman, 2015.

XXII. Salem Khamis Ali Al-Dhanhani, The Authenticity of the Genetic Fingerprint in Criminal Evidence, 1st edition, National Center for Legal Publications, Egypt - Cairo, 2014.

XXIII. Salem Muhammad Awad, Contemporary Media and the Problems of Arab Women, 1st edition, Ghaida Publishing and Distribution House, Jordan-Amman, 2020.

XXIV. Salem Muhammad Awad, Contemporary Media and the Problems of Arab Women, 1st edition, Ghaida Publishing and Distribution House, Jordan-Amman, 2020.

XXV. Saeed Salem Gowaili, International Non-Governmental Organizations in the International Legal System, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Egypt - Cairo, 2003.

XXVI. Saeed Salem Gowaili, International Non-Governmental Organizations in the International Legal System, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Egypt - Cairo, 2003.

XXVII. Saeed Mubarak Al-Sais Al-Tamimi, Achieving Criminal Justice for the Accused and the Victim between Criminal Law and Islamic Sharia, 1st edition, Library of Law and Economics, Riyadh, 2013.

XXVIII. Sufyan Abdali, Guarantees of the Independence of the Judicial Authority between Algeria and France, 1st edition, Nour Publishing and Distribution Library, Algeria, 2011.

XXIX. Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Morgan, The Role of the Judiciary and Civil Society in Supervising the Electoral Process, 3rd edition, Dar Al Nahda Al Arabiya, Egypt - Cairo, 2010.

XXX. Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Morgan, The Role of the Judiciary and Civil Society in Supervising the Electoral Process, 3rd edition, Dar Al Nahda Al Arabiya, Egypt - Cairo, 2010.

XXXI. Shadia Ibrahim Mustafa Al Mahrouqi, Dr. Ahmed Mahrous Ali Nasser, Constitutional Guarantees for Human Rights in the Trial Stage, 1st edition, Library of Law and Economics, Riyadh, 2012.

XXXII. Shamir Mahmoud Sabry, The Legitimacy of Private Administrative Control to Protect Public Security (A Comparative Study), 1st edition, Arab Center for Publishing and Distribution, Egypt - Cairo, 2018.

XXXIII. Talaat Youssef Khater, Independence of the Judiciary, the human right to resort to an independent judiciary, 1st edition, Dar Al-Fikr and Law, Egypt - Mansoura, 2014.

XXXIV. Talaat Youssef Khater, Independence of the Judiciary, the human right to resort to an independent judiciary, 1st edition, Dar Al-Fikr and Law for Publishing and Distribution, Egypt - Mansoura, 2014.

XXXV. Talaat Youssef Khater, Independence of the Judiciary, the human right to resort to an independent judiciary, 1st edition, Dar Al-Fikr and Law, Egypt - Mansoura, 2014.

XXXVI. Abdul Al Muhammad Qadir, Balancing Interests in Criminal Law A Comparative Study, 1st edition, Arab Center for Publishing and Distribution, Egypt - Cairo, 2020.

XXXVII. Abdul-Jabbar Abdul-Wahhab Sultan Al-Jubouri, Human Rights between Texts and Forgetting, 1st edition, Dar Al-Farabi, Lebanon-Beirut, 2015.

XXXVIII. Abdel Rahim Rahmouni and Dr. Youssef Qaddour and others, Contemporary Arab Issues, Stakes and Challenges, Academic Book Center, Jordan-Amman, 2020.

XXXIX. Abdul Salam Mansour Al-Tamimi, The Iraqi Constitution between Legislation and Reality, Dar Al-Nashir Al-Hussein for Publishing and Distribution, Iraq - Karbala, 2013.

XL. Abdul Aziz bin Muhammad Al-Saghir, Constitutional Guarantees for Citizens between Sharia and Law, 1st edition, National Center for Legal Publications, Egypt - Cairo, 2015.

XLI. Abdelkader Razouki, Guarantees for Achieving the Principle of Legality, Master’s Thesis, University of Kasdi-Merbah Ouargla, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Algeria, 2013.

XLII. Abdul Karim Alwan, Political Systems and Constitutional Law, 1st edition, Dar Al-Thaqafa for Publishing and Distribution, Jordan-Amman, 2006.

XLIII. Abdel Nasser Abdullah Abu Samhadana, The Principle of Legitimacy and Oversight of Administration Actions, 1st edition, National Center for Legal Publications, Egypt - Cairo, 2014.

XLIV. Abdul Wahab Hamid Rashid, Democratic Transformation and Civil Society, 1st edition, Dar Al Mada for Culture and Publishing, Syria - Damascus, 2003.

XLV. Abdul Wahab Hamid Rashid, Democratic Transformation and Civil Society, 1st edition, Dar Al Mada for Culture and Publishing, Syria - Damascus, 2003.

XLVI. Adnan Ajel Obaid, The Impact of the Independence of the Judiciary from the Government in the State of Law (A Constitutional Study Comparative to Arab and International Judicial Systems), 2nd edition, Arab Center for Publishing and Distribution, Egypt - Cairo, 2018.

XLVII. Adnan Amr, Administrative Judiciary, The Principle of Legitimacy, A Comparative Study, Mansha’at Al Maaref, Egypt - Alexandria, 2004.

XLVIII. Ali Al-Salami, Problems of the Constitution and Parliament, 1st edition, Dar Sama for Publishing and Distribution, Egypt - Cairo, 2016.

XLIX. Ali Sabih Al-Tamimi, The Philosophy of Political Rights and Freedoms and Impediments to Application (A Study of His Analysis in Political Philosophy), 1st edition, Amjad Publishing and Distribution House, Jordan-Amman, 2016.

L. Ali Laila, Arab Civil Society: Issues of Citizenship and Human Rights, Anglo-Egyptian Library, Egypt - Cairo, 2013.

LI. Ali Laila, Arab Civil Society: Issues of Citizenship and Human Rights, Anglo-Egyptian Library, Egypt - Cairo, 2013.

LII. Fadl Adam Fadl Al-Mesiri, Libyan Procedure Code, Judicial Organization and Judicial Dispute, 1st edition, National Center for Legal Publications, Egypt - Cairo, 2011.

LIII. Faisal Abdel Karim Dandal, The Responsibility of the Head of State for Violating the Provisions of the Constitution, 1st edition, Arab Center for Publishing and Distribution, Egypt - Cairo, 2019.

LIV. Qutaiba Adnan Hamad, presented by Judge Sattar and Roar Issa Al-Bahadli, Introduction to the Study of Labor Law, 2nd edition, Comparative Law Library for Publishing and Distribution, Baghdad, 2022.

LV. Qutaiba Adnan Hamad, presented by Judge Sattar and Roar Issa Al-Bahadli, Introduction to the Study of Labor Law, 2nd edition, Comparative Law Library for Publishing and Distribution, Baghdad, 2022.

LVI. Kazem Ali Al-Janabi, The Legislative Powers of the Head of State Under Exceptional Circumstances (A Comparative Study), 1st edition, National Center for Legal Publications, Egypt - Cairo, 2015.

LVII. Karim Youssef Ahmed Kashakesh, Public Freedoms in Contemporary Political Systems, Ma’anshayat Al-Ma’arif, Egypt - Alexandria, 1987.

LVIII. Lamia Ayman Khairy, Human Rights Education, 1st edition, Yistaroun Foundation for Printing and Publishing, Egypt - Giza, 2018.

LIX. Muhammad Zain Al-Abidin Abdel Fattah, Civil Society Institutions, Reality and Ambition, Dar Alam Al-Thaqafa for Publishing and Distribution, Jordan - Amman, 2011.

LX. Muhammad Zain Al-Abidin Abdel Fattah, Civil Society Institutions, Reality and Ambition, Dar Alam Al-Thaqafa for Publishing and Distribution, Jordan - Amman, 2011.

LXI. Muhammad Abdel Hamid Abu Zaid, Obedience to superiors and the principle of legitimacy, a comparative study, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabi, Egypt - Cairo, 1988.

LXII. Nabil Shadid Al-Fadil Raad, Independence of the Judiciary, 1st edition, Modern Book Foundation, Lebanon - Beirut, 2003.

LXIII. Nujoom Ghanem Hudayb Al-Hajri, Discretionary Authority in Administrative Decision (A Comparative Study), 1st edition, Arab Center for Publishing and Distribution, Egypt - Cairo, 2019.

Second: Theses and Dissertations:

I. Ibrahim Saleh Qadir Al-Barzanji, The scope of judicial oversight of the constitutionality of laws before the constitutional judiciary (a comparative study), doctoral thesis, Sulaymaniyah University, College of Law, 2021.

II. Ibrahim Muhammad Al-Awaimer Al-Azmi, The principle of separation of powers and its applications in the State of Kuwait (a comparative study), Master’s thesis, Middle East University for Graduate Studies, Faculty of Law, Jordan, 2010.

III. Ahmed Fakak Ahmed and Mr. Imad Waka Ajil, The Concept of Civil Society Institutions in Contemporary Thought, research published in the Tikrit Journal of Legal and Political Sciences, Tikrit University, Year: 4, Issue: 14, 2012.

IV. Idris Hassan Muhammad, Administrative Control of Private Institutions of Public Benefit and Its Applications in Iraqi Law (A Comparative Study), Master’s Thesis, Al-Nahrain University, Faculty of Law, 2001.

V. Idris Hassan Muhammad, Administrative Control of Private Institutions of Public Benefit and Its Applications in Iraqi Law (A Comparative Study), Master’s Thesis, Al-Nahrain University, Faculty of Law, 2001.

VI. Akram Faleh Ahmed Al-Sawaf, Constitutional and Legal Protection of the Right to Private Property, Master’s Thesis, University of Mosul, College of Law, 2003.

VII. Belhamzi Fahima, Legal Security and Constitutional Freedoms, Master’s Thesis, Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University - Mostaganem, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Algeria, 2018.

VIII. Taghreed Abdul Qadir Ali, The Ordinary Legislative Powers of the President of the State, Master’s Thesis, University of Baghdad, College of Law, 2003.

IX. Sahar Muhammad Najeeb Jarjis Al-Bayati, The Constitutional Regulation of Guarantees of Human Rights and Freedoms: A Comparative Study in Some Arab Constitutions, doctoral thesis, University of Mosul, College of Law, 2003.

X. Saeed Rashid Al-Mansouri, The principle of separation of powers in the Qatari Constitution, a comparative study, Master’s thesis, Qatar University, College of Law, Qatar, 2021.

XI. Shalaw Sabah Abdul Rahman, Constitutional Rules List a Comparative Analytical Study of Iraqi Constitutions, PhD thesis, Sulaymaniyah University, College of Law, 2018.

XII. Shabab Barzouk, Constitutional Guarantees of Human Rights, Master’s Thesis, University of Oran, Faculty of Law, Algeria, 2021.

XIII. Arousi Ali and Al-Sadiq Abdel Rahman, Oversight of the Constitutionality of Laws in Algerian Legislation as a Guarantee for the Protection of Rights and Freedoms, Master’s thesis, Ahmed Draya Adrar University, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Algeria, 2016.

XIV. Issam Saeed Abdel-Obaidi, Oversight of the Constitutionality of Laws (A Comparative Study), doctoral thesis, University of Mosul, College of Law, 2007.

XV. Issam Saeed Abdel-Obaidi, Oversight of the Constitutionality of Laws (A Comparative Study), doctoral thesis, University of Mosul, College of Law, 2007.

XVI. Ali Sabti Muhammad, a contribution to the study of means of protecting legitimacy, a comparative study in light of the Iraqi experience, doctoral thesis, University of Baghdad, College of Law, 1983.

XVII. Muhammad Rahim Issa Al-Taie, The Impact of the Theory of Exceptional Circumstances on the Principle of Legality, Master’s Thesis, Islamic University of Lebanon, Faculty of Law, Lebanon 2021.

XVIII. Muhammad Izzat Fadel Al-Taie, Independence of the Judiciary under the Iraqi Constitutions, Master’s thesis, University of Mosul, College of Law, 2008.

XIX. Mumtaz Ali Hama Hussein, The Balance between Legislative Authority and Executive Authority in the Iraqi Constitution of 2005, Master’s Thesis, Sulaymaniyah University, College of Law and Political Science, 2017.

XX. Maha Bahjat Younis Al-Salhi, ruling that a legislative text is unconstitutional and its role in strengthening the state of law (a comparative study), doctoral thesis, University of Baghdad, College of Law, 2006.

XXI. Maha Bahjat Younis Al-Salhi, ruling that a legislative text is unconstitutional and its role in strengthening the state of law (a comparative study), doctoral thesis, University of Baghdad, College of Law, 2006.

XXII. Hisham Jalil Ibrahim Al-Zubaidi, The principle of separation of powers and its relationship to the independence of the judiciary in Iraq, a comparative study, Master’s thesis, Al-Nahrain University, Faculty of Law, 2012.

XXIII. Wissam Najm Abdullah, The Role of the Head of State in Oversight of the Constitutionality of Laws in Lebanon and Iraq (A Comparative Study), Master’s Thesis, Islamic University of Lebanon, Faculty of Law, Lebanon, 2018.

XXIV. Wissam Nemat Al-Saadi, International Non-Governmental Organizations, Master’s Thesis, University of Mosul, College of Law, 2001.

XXV. Wissam Nemat Al-Saadi, International Non-Governmental Organizations, Master’s Thesis, University of Mosul, College of Law, 2001

Third: Research And Articles

I. Iman Abdullah Al-Azzawi, The legal organization of the Iraqi labor judiciary, a study according to the Iraqi Labor Law No. (37) of 2015, an article published in the Academic Journal of Legal and Political Research, Volume: 5, Issue: 2, 2021.

II. Ahmed Fakak Ahmed and Mr. Imad Waka Ajil, The Concept of Civil Society Institutions in Contemporary Thought, research published in the Tikrit Journal of Legal and Political Sciences, Tikrit University, Year: 4, Issue: 14, 2012.

III. Iman Abdullah Al-Azzawi, The legal organization of the Iraqi labor judiciary, a study according to the Iraqi Labor Law No. (37) of 2015, an article published in the Academic Journal of Legal and Political Research, Volume: 5, Issue: 2, 2021.

IV. Ahmed Mohamed Wad sang. Abdul Basit Ali Jassim, Tax Legitimacy (A Comparative Legal Study), research published in the Tikrit University Journal of Human Sciences, Volume: 14, Issue: 3, 2007.

V. Riz Kar Muhammad Qadir, The independence of the judiciary as a pillar of fair trials (a comparative study in positive law and Islamic law), research published in Al-Rafidain Law Journal, Saladin University, Issue: 39, Part 11, 2009.

Fourth: Judicial decisions:

I. The decision issued by the Supreme Judicial Council/ Presidency of the Baghdad Al-Karkh Court of Appeal/ Baghdad Al-Karkh Labor Court, Issue: 466/Act/2022, Date: 8/18/2022 (unpublished decision).

II. The decision issued by the Supreme Judicial Council/Presidency of the Baghdad Al-Karkh Court of Appeal/Baghdad Al-Karkh Labor Court, Issue: 277/Work/2022, Date: 9/13/2022 (unpublished decision).

III. The decision issued by the Supreme Judicial Council/ Presidency of the Diyala Federal Court of Appeal/ Diyala Labor Court, Issue: 1/Act/2021, Date: 11/15/2021 (unpublished decision).

IV. The decision issued by the Supreme Judicial Council/ Presidency of the Diyala Federal Court of Appeal/ Diyala Labor Court, Issue: 5/Action/2021, Date: 12/8/2021 (unpublished decision).

