The impact of economic sanctions on human rights/Iraq as a model


  • Hala Ahmed Mohamed Al-Mosul University - college of law



Economic sanctions, human rights, Iraq


Sanctions at the United Nations take the form of a complete system expressed in Chapter Seven of the United Nations Charter, which includes provisions that are binding in letter and spirit for all countries, whether members or not members of the United Nations Among these sanctions are non-military sanctions, which derive their legitimacy from the text of Article 41 of the United Nations Charter, which extends to a group of measures that do not include the direct use of armed force, which are In the commercial, financial, transportation, tourism, and other embargo measures, that is, on the economic aspects rather than the other military or diplomatic aspects. These economic measures were practiced in different ways and methods, which resulted in the emergence of different types of economic sanctions, including embargoes, boycotts, economic blockades, and others


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