Legal regulation to protect the right of parents to raise and care for minor children


  • Muaeed Majeed Hameed University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Scines
  • Ahmed Fadhil Hussein University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Scines
  • Siham Khaleel Ali University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Scines



Law, education, care, children, minors


The right of parents to raise and care for minor children who are unable to manage their affairs is a right established by the laws. However, this right was not absolute, but rather specific in light of the goal that the law approved for parents within the limits of their upbringing without going beyond these rules established by the law, otherwise it will be considered arbitrary in using this right. This right granted to fathers over their children is in the interest of minors, so most laws regulate this right. The Iraqi legislator has regulated the rights of fathers in raising their minor children through the Care of Minors Law No. (58) of 1980 regarding fathers’ care for their children. In terms of guardianship, guardianship, reasons for taking away guardianship, and the arrangement of guardians, the Egyptian legislator also regulated these rights through Children’s Law No. (126) of 2018. Therefore, we will divide our study on this protection in this research into three demands preceded by an introduction. In the first demand, we dealt with who takes the place of The father in raising, caring for, and supervising him. The second requirement is guardianship over the life and property of the minor. The third requirement deals with the termination of guardianship and the withdrawal of wills, and finally the conclusion.


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سادسًا: القرارات:

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First: Sharia books:

I. Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Ahmed bin Muhammad bin Qudamah, deceased (620 AH), Al-Mughni by Ibn Qudamah, edited by: Taha Al-Zaini, Mahmoud Abdul-Wahhab Fayed, Abdul Qadir Atta, Mahmoud Ghanem Ghaith, 1st edition, vol. 9, Cairo Library, Cairo, 1389 AH - 1969.

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IV. Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Arafa Shams al-Din al-Dasouki al-Maliki, who died (1230 AH), Al-Dasouki’s footnote to al-Sharh al-Kabir, Dar Ihya al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, without year of publication.

V. D. Mahmoud Muhammad Hassan, Islamic legislation, family rulings, engagement - marriage - marriage groups - rights of children and relatives, without publishing house, without year of publication.

VI. Dr.. Wahba Al-Zuhayli, Islamic jurisprudence and its evidence, 7th edition, vol. 7, Dar Al-Fikr, Damascus, 1409 AH-1989.

Second: General books:

I. D. Al-Sibai Mustafa, Personal Status, Legal Status and Inheritance, 5th edition, Damascus University Press, Damascus, 1997.

II. Dr.. Gomaa Abdel-Mughni Lotfy, Personal Status Encyclopedia, Egyptian General Book Authority, Cairo, without year of publication.

Third: Specialized books:

I. I.D. Larbi Bakhti, Family Provisions in Islamic Jurisprudence and Algerian Family Law, Office of University Publications, Algeria, 2013.

II. Dr.. Hamdi Kamal, Guardianship over Objective Money Rulings, Mansha’at Al-Ma’arif, Alexandria, 2001.

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Fourth: Dictionaries and dictionaries:

I. Ismail bin Hammad Al-Jawhari, Al-Sihah Taj Al-Lughah wal-Sihah Al-Arabiya, edited by: Ahmed Abdel Ghafour Attar, vol. 1, Dar Al-Ilm Lil-Millain, Beirut, without year of publication.

Fifth: Laws:

I. Egyptian Money Guardianship Decree No. (119) of 1952.

II. Iraqi Minors Care Law No. (78) of 1980.

III. Egyptian Child Law No. (12) of 1996, amended by Law No. (126) of 2008.

Sixth: Decisions:

I. Egyptian Cabinet Resolution No. (2075) of 2010 issuing the executive regulations for the Children’s Law No. (12) of 1996.

