Legal regulation of the work of humanitarian charitable societies


  • Abdul Rahman Ibrahim Ali Al Ghasiba University of Diyala- College of Law and Political Science



Organization, charitable societies, humanity


Charitable work is the voluntary work that a person provides for the benefit of those in need as a matter of humanity.In some cases, the concept of charitable work is linked to the concept of religiosity to do charitable work in order to obtain reward from God Almighty.There are many backward images that fall within the circle of charitable work, such as Helping the poor and orphans, or providing in-kind assistance to some humanitarian cases afflicted by need, and contributing to the treatment of the wounded or injured from various natural disasters or wars, and this leads to defining charitable organizations and what they contribute to the surrounding environment.

The emergence of charitable societies was to serve humanity and provide a helping hand to the needy in a more organized and specialized manner.Charitable societies differ from each other in terms of the vision and goals they set and the methodology they follow in order to implement charitable work.Charitable societies usually rely on the various activities that they carry out On donations that are collected in different ways, as these associations are funded by individuals, or with the support of some institutions or a specific organization, and the definition of charitable associations includes the exit of these associations from the circle of profit, as they do not aim, in one way or another, to achieve financial goals.For individuals, groups, or legal entities, it takes into account public interests and seeks to achieve the social welfare of members of the human community it serves.The activities conducted by these charitable societies may be educational, religious, or recreational activities.There is a set of laws that frame the work of charitable societies.The provisions and details of these laws vary from one country to another according to a set of considerations and specificities for each country.There is also a set of important financial figures that indicate the ability of charitable organizations to sustain their various charitable activities for the coming years.Financing charitable organizations is included in the definition of charitable organizations.A group of funding sources that help charitable organizations achieve the goals they seek to achieve, as collecting donations from individuals or organizations supporting these organizations may not be sufficient to provide appropriate financial liquidity.


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I. قانون الجمعيات الخيرية العراقي رقم (13) لسنة 2000.

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IX. الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان لسنة 1948.على الرابط: declaration-human-rights/


First: books

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Second: Theses and dissertations

I. Ahmed Hamdi Al-Fahmy, The Role of Charitable Societies in Developing Local Communities, Master’s Thesis, Egyptian Journal of Reading and Knowledge, Volume (13), Issue (7).

II. Fadhili Al-Sayyid Ali, The system of work of associations in Algerian law, a memorandum submitted for obtaining a master’s degree in law, University of Biskra, 2009.

Third: Research and periodicals

I. Hassan Glob Kazem, The Nature of Public Money, Public Integrity and Transparency Journal for Research and Studies, Issue (7) in 2014.

II. Aisha Zangi, The Economic and Social Role of Charitable Societies in Malaysia, Al-Ijtihad Journal of Legal and Economic Studies, Volume (7), Issue (4), 2018.

Fourth: Websites

I. Basil Abdul Wahab Al-Azzawi, the legal framework for the work of non-governmental organizations in Iraq, the concept and description of Iraqi civil society institutions, Al-Nabaa Information Network, available at the link:

II. Salem Rawdan Al-Musawi, Legal Center for Charitable Societies, Supreme Judicial Council, available at the link:

III. Ali Hamid Kazem Al-Shukri, quoted from the book “Stability of Financial Transactions,” p.36.Published on the Al-Marja’ Electronic Informatics website, available at the link:

Fifth: International laws and conventions

I. Iraqi Charitable Societies Law No.(13) of 2000.

II. Egyptian Charitable Societies Law No.(84) of 2002

III. Law of Associations in the United Arab Emirates No.(13) of 1976.

IV. Kuwaiti Law No.(24) of 1962, regarding clubs and charitable societies.

V. Law No.(17) of 2017, regarding the organization of civil society organizations in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

VI. Law No.(1) of 2001 regarding associations and civil institutions.

VII. Royal Decree No.14 of 2000, issuing the Civil Associations Law.

VIII. Decree No.(21) of 1989.

IX. Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948.At the link:

