The Legal Basis for Human Rights Protection Institutions in Iraq


  • Sagban Mohammed Mhaan Sunni Endowment Office



Legal basis, human rights institutions, High Commission for Human Rights


The international community has sought to protect human rights and promote respect for them. For this reason, many international treaties and agreements were concluded. Most international conventions and declarations emphasize the protection, respect and promotion of human rights. The United Nations Charter of 1945 comes at the forefront of these charters, which formed the basis for the protection of human rights, as well as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Hence, states stipulated in their constitutions the protection of human rights and enacted laws regulating this.

But stipulating human rights in constitutions and legislation is not enough to say that the state respects human rights and works to protect and promote them in accordance with international standards. There must be national institutions specialized in protecting human rights and independent, and the names of these institutions may vary. It may be a committee, council, institution, or commission. In Iraq, these institutions are represented by the High Commission for Human Rights. It is one of the state agencies, has administrative and financial independence, and has a law that explains its structure and tasks. The Commission consists of a Board of Commissioners and has offices and branches in the governorates and regions. The Commission has tasks and activities that may be powers to protect, or powers to enhance the protection of human rights, or advisory powers with regard to national legislation and proposing accession to international agreements.


أولاً: الكتب:

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ثانياً: الرسائل والأطاريح الجامعية:

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ثالثاً: البحوث:

I. أ.م.د. بلاسم عدنان عبد الله، المفوضية العليا المستقلة لحقوق الانسان في العراق (هيكلها التنظيمي وعلاقتها التعاونية، التمويل المالي ) بحث منشور في مجلة بلاد الرافدين للعلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية، المجلد: 4، العدد: 1، 2022

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رابعاً: القوانين:


I. قانون ادارة الدولة العراقية للمرحلة الانتقالية لسنة 2004

II. دستور جمهورية العراق لسنة 2005


I. قانون المفوضية العليا لحقوق الانسان رقم 53 لسنة 2008

II. قانون الهيئة المستقلة لحقوق الانسان في اقليم كردستان- العراق رقم 4 لسنة 2010

III. النظام الداخلي لقانون المفوضية العليا لحقوق الانسان رقم (1) لسنة 2020

خامساً- الاعلانات والمعاهدات:

I. ميثاق الامم المتحدة لعام 1945

II. الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الأنسان لعام 1948

III. مبادئ باريس لعام 1991


First: Books:

I. Ahmed Abu Al-Wafa, International Protection of Human Rights, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Cairo, 2000.

II. Istvan Posta, Review of Ombudsman Services Provided by Organizations Across the United Nations System, United Nations Publications, Joint Inspection Unit, Geneva, 2015.

III. National Human Rights Institutions - History, Principles, Roles and Responsibilities, United Nations Publications, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva, 2010

IV. United Nations, Monitoring Training on Human Rights, Professional Training Series No. (7), New York - Geneva, 2001

V. United Nations, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Guide to National Human Rights Institutions, Vocational Training Series No. (12), New York - Geneva, 2005

VI. Basil Youssef, Human Rights Diplomacy, Legal Reference and Mechanisms, "Bayt Alhikma", Baghdad, 2002

VII. Danish Institute for Human Rights, The Role of National Human Rights Institutions in Countries That Have Witnessed a Democratic Transition in the Arab World, Arab-European Human Rights Dialogue Program, without year of publication

VIII. High Commission for Human Rights, Annual Report on the Human Rights Situation in Iraq for 2015, Baghdad, 2016

IX. High Commission for Human Rights, Annual Report on the Human Rights Situation in Iraq 2013, Baghdad, 2014.

X. Dr. Saleh Zaid Qasila, Guarantees for the International Criminal Protection of Human Rights, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabi, Cairo, 2009.

XI. Issam Muhammad Zanati, National Institutions for Human Rights - A Comparative Study in Iraqi Law and Comparative Law, Dar Al-Nahda, Cairo, 2013

XII. François Boucher-Saulnier, Scientific Dictionary of Humanitarian Law, translated by: Muhammad Masoud, Dar Al-Ilm Lil-Malayin, Beirut, 2006

XIII. Mohsen Hanoun Ghali, International and National Monitoring of the Enforcement of the Provisions of International Human Rights Law, Zein Legal and Literary Library, Beirut, 2019

XIV. Hala Saeed Tabsi, Women’s Rights under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, Al-Halabi Human Rights Publications, Beirut, 2011

XV. Hifi Amjad Hassan, International Protection of Human Rights - Challenges and Solutions, "Dar Al-Kutub Al-qanoniyya", Egypt - UAE, 2017.

Second: Thesis and Dissertations:

I. Bou Maza Ftaima, Legal Mechanisms for the Protection of Human Rights in the Arab World, unpublished master’s thesis, Faculty of Law, Mentouri University - Constantine, Algeria, 2009

II. Rana Latif Jassim Alwan Al-Samarrai, International Means for the Protection of Human Rights, unpublished master’s thesis, College of Law/Tikrit University, Iraq, 2011

III. Soria Guti, The System of National Institutions for the Protection of Human Rights, unpublished master’s thesis, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Larbi Ben M’hidi University Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria, 2017

IV. Nouraniya Abdul-Bari Khaled, The Function of Independent Bodies to Protect Human Rights in the Constitution of Iraq (2005), Master’s Thesis, College of Law and Political Science, University of Diyala, 2020.

Third: Research Papers:

I. Dr. Balasim Adnan Abdullah, Independent High Commission for Human Rights in Iraq (its organizational structure and cooperative relationship, financial funding) research published in the Mesopotamia Journal of Human and Social Sciences, Volume: 4, Issue: 1, 2022

II. Lar Hama Gharib Muhammad, Institutions for the Protection of Human Rights in Federal States - Iraq as a Model, research published in the Journal of Political Issues, College of Political Science, Al-Nahrain University, Iraq, Issue: 660 on 12/8/2021

III. Hamid Tarish Sajt and Yamama Muhammad Hassan Kashkul, Terms of Reference of the Independent High Commission for Human Rights in Iraq, research published in the Legal Journal, Faculty of Law, Cairo University, Khartoum Branch, Volume: 1, Issue: 4, 2018

IV. Hanan Muhammad Al-Qaisi, Protection of Human Rights between the Ministry and the Commission, research published in the Journal of the College of Law/Al-Mustansiriya University, Volume: 2, Issue: 5, 2009

V. Nouraniya Abdul Bari Khalid and Dr. Balasim Adnan Abdullah, the role of the High Commission for Human Rights in Iraq in promoting human rights, research published in the Journal of Legal and Political Sciences, College of Law and Political Science, University of Diyala, Volume 11, Issue 1, 2023.

Fourth: Laws:


I. The Iraqi State Administration Law for the Transitional Period of 2004

II. Constitution of the Republic of Iraq of 2005


I. Law of the High Commission for Human Rights No. 53 of 2008

II. Law of the Independent Commission for Human Rights in the Kurdistan Region - Iraq No. 4 of 2010

III. Internal regulations of the High Commission for Human Rights Law No. (1) of 2020

Fifth - Declarations and Conventions:

I. The United Nations Charter of 1945

II. Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948

III. Paris Principles of 1991



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