The Authority of the Administrative Judiciary to Control the Actions of the Administration Related to The Right to Education


  • Hamza Thueban abd University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Scines



Administrative Authorities, Right To Education, Administrative Justice, Judicial Oversight.


The right to education is one of the fundamental rights of a social nature that requires the State to engage in positive behavior to enable educators to enjoy it.   Iraq's judiciary is independent and subject only to the law, This authority extends to directing orders to the Department and amending or cancelling its decisions and that judicial control over the legality of public authorities' actions constitutes the real guarantee of fundamental rights, The abolition judge constitutes the key to adherence to the rule of law and depends on respect for it in a broad sense that goes beyond mere adherence to the provisions. to respect the content of the law in that it must protect individuals' freedoms and rights The Iraqi judiciary has censored the administration authority's actions and administrative decisions through the ordinary courts at all.


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